Posted in Life

People I don’t Understand

They may have their reasons. The reasons may be perfect for them. But I really don’t understand 1. A wife and mother that spends her…

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Posted in Project House

The Breakfast Nook

I am currently looking for stools for my breakfast nook. All these while we have never used this little built-in table once and I guess…

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Posted in Life

Update Orang Sibuk. Sibuk ker?

1. Our three baby bunnies are super fat. Two looks like their Dad, Kokades and one, the black furball must be taking after their Mom….

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Posted in Luth Mikael

Siri Bergaduh Dengan Miki

1) Auntie Rina : “Miki tengok cerita apa?” Miki: “Spongebob Squarepants!” Auntie Rina: “Boleh tak Auntie nak makan Spongebob tu?” Miki : “Tak boleh!” Auntie…

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Posted in The Bunny Rabbits

MinMin and the Furballs

Our rabbit, MinMin is a tiny bit on the psycho side. On Monday, Azman built a small enclosure at back corner of our garden for…

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Posted in Diyana@Work

Moral Support

Diyana – “Oh my God! There are errors in my annual report! Encik Usop is gonna kill me! I am gonna die! Die! Die! Oh…

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Posted in Life

Weirdly Happy

There is this girl that I don’t like. I haven’t met her for years. I saw a video of her in Facebook. She has gone…

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Posted in Life

Father’s Day with Cimiki Chikadee

Happy Father’s Day to all Dads in the whole world especially the father to my son, Azman Aziz! We love you so much! These are…

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universal studio hollywood front in line ticket
Posted in Life

Lagu rasmi masa merajuk

Nobody loves me, everybody hates me I’ll go and eat some worms Long, thin skinny ones, Short, fat, juicy ones, See how they wriggle and…

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Posted in Project House


Boy oh boy…. Moving house can be so freaking tiring. We rented the lorry service on Sunday, the two tonnes lorry look two trips to…

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