Category: Parenthood
GIANT KIDS RUN 2014 and why I want my kids to join marathons
Waaaaa…. lamanya tak update blog! Aku sibuk sangat! Last weekend which was a 3-day Merdeka weekend, I had to work on an amazing event in…
Bonding with kids can’t get any cooler than this! “Scoops of Happiness” with Wall’s Selection Ice-cream
Ever since I bought my new popcorn maker, Miki became more interested in cooking activities with me. We used to make Hari Raya cookies together…
Messiest Kid on the Planet – Rafa’s Chocolate Beard and Method Handwash
This happened about a week ago. Azman was cleaning out junks from Miki’s room and he couldn’t do it with the two rascals dancing around…
Tragedi Terlajak Mandi
Several of weeks ago, Azman was away on business trip to US for about a fortnight. I was home alone with the two little boys…
Warna-warni kehidupan indah bak minyak tuti – Ramblings of a Mom
Last week, Miki told me that a kid in school has threatened him. The boy has been taking snacks from his lunch box and told…
My big fat face on The Star – Mothers’ Little Secrets
I was interviewed for a article on The Star recently. It was actually for a campaign by Jacob’s called Jacob’s Mothers’ Little Secret. The article…
Peace and Quiet Time Just For Myself
Who are you kidding Di? I am not so well for the past 3 days. I have been hit a little by food poisoning to…
Ingat Mummy Keji sangat ker?
Miki came back from school one day reciting “Subhanallah Walhamdulillah Walailahaillallah Wallahu Akbar!” on top of his lung over and over again. I was very…
Open Letter to My Son – My Decorated Bag
Dear Miki, A couple of days ago I was extra tired and you were extra.. how shall I put it… active! And vocal. I scolded…
Sad Mom
Miki, siang tadi Mummy marah-marah Miki sebab Miki naughty tapi sekarang pukul 1 pagi, Miki dah tidur dan Mummy rasa guilty. Mummy sayang Miki… …