Open Letter to My Son – Happy 3rd Birthday Rafa

Dear Rafa,

Happy 3rd Birthday to you, my precious little teddy bear! My cutest most manja intan payung in the whole world. You turned 3 on 29 June 2015, right in the middle of the holy month of Ramadhan, so we can’t really celebrate in a big scale but the 4 of us did spend some time together in the evening doing many activities you love and that made you very happy!

On you birthday eve, Daddy set up a mini water park in our garden. He bought a new garden pool, remove the swing from your playground set and placed the end-side of the slide inside the pool. He also made an innovative DIY sprinkler using a mineral water bottle. On that hot Sunday.. You and Miki had a blast! Had tonnes of fun out there in the garden… You must thank your Daddy ok, because he spent money and time and might just to make you and your brother happy… And he didn’t mind at all! Fatherly love conquers all! hehe


water slide

That night, we sang the Happy Birthday Song over 6 yummy cupcakes from Wondermilk. And then off we go playing bunga api in the darkness. You were so brave and most importantly you had fun.

bunga api hhu

Rafa, at age three you are such a smart little guy! Although you still speak with a lisp (pelat) like a baby but still communicate very well and your vocabulary is increasing daily. In fact I blame your lisps on me, Daddy and Miki because we adore you as a baby so much, and you sound so super duper cute, we hardly encourage you to speak properly! Hehe! I am sure however, you will catch up really soon.

At this age, you know many children’s songs and love to sing them loudly. If I can stack your cuteness in your singing like Legos, I’d be building towers up to the sky.

Your favourite song to sing is Good Morning Mr Rooster , Itsy Bitsy Spider, and The Alphabet Chant sekuat-kuat hati. But being the Little Boss that you are, no way you are gonna let any one of us sing along with you. If we do as much as sing one line of lyrics together, you would hushhhh loudly and put your tiny chubby hand on our mouth. I guess you hate it when someone tries to steal your lime light. Diva!


Video – “Interview With Rafa”

See how naughty you are, when asked “what is your brother’s name?” You answered “Buah Apple” and I know where that Opah Elephant came from. Her name is Laily which sounds like Ellie, Ellie the elephant! Cheit! Kurang asam sangat…haha!

Rafa, I want you to know that your brother Miki adores you very much. Yes, sometimes he played with you roughly till it hurts and sometimes he won’t let you destroy play with his toys but he is a child too, he is just 7 and 99% of the time he gives in to you. Miki helps me in taking care of you everyday. He runs upstairs, puasa or not everytime I asked him to take something for you, like a diaper, a new t-shirt or your bottle. He never complains and he would even use his sensory skill to check if you pooped.

He shares his stuff, his snacks and when I need to cook or do some work, Miki would always help me entertain you. He is the best big brother in the world, Rafa! I hope the two of you will be always be the best of friends and love each other till the end of time. Jangan gaduh-gaduh and always support each other even after Mummy and Daddy are gone…

Rafa when you are three, the country we are living in is not doing so well. Sometimes I worry about the future it holds for you and Miki. So the best thing that we can do is prepare ourselves with education, positive attitude and wisdom in order to survive. Mummy and Daddy love you very much my son, and we are trying our best to nurture you both to become a good person, independent, kind… hoping you be successful in this world and after.

Happy 3rd Birthday my beautiful son, Rafa!



Author: Diyana

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