Siri Bercakap Dengan Rafa – One, Two… Four!

Even before he turned two years old, Rafa could count until 10… And recently at the age of 2 years 6 months.. He began counting 1, 2, 4! He’s skipping the number 3 perfectly in purpose!

I was like… Oh come on Rafa! What are you trying to prove? Do you think it is cute? Do you wanna be like Ella, 40 years old and still flipping hair, battling eyelashes and calling herself by the nickname? Babe, you are 30 months old! Get a grip! It is 1,2,3! Okay?

But no… my Tiny is a stubborn one… He was counting his toys and went

“One, two, four….”
Daddy – “No Rafa, one, two, three….”
Rafa – “No! One, two, four!”
Daddy – “One, two, THREE!
Rafa – “Daddy.. one, two. FOUR! ONE, TWO, FOUR!!!!!”

They could go all day arguing if I didn’t pushed them apart while applying my kung fu technique that I learned from Kung Fu Hustle. It is called The Lion’s Roar.


His current favorite expression is “Oohhhh…” 4 harakat long, semibreve… with full apprehension as though he just finally understand something after a lifetime of confusion. His wide eyes would get even wider and he shook his head in agreement.

When driving home, I said, “Tengok Rafa, dah sampai, tu rumah kita..” “Oohhhhhh” Apa ko takpernah nampak rumah ke apa?

“Rafa, nah makan banana!” “Oohhhh”
“Rafa, plastik ni dah taknak, pergi buang kat tong sampah..” “Ooohhhh”

I don’t know for how long this Oohhhh fever will go on. It is annoying but cute as hell. Oohhhh…

Author: Diyana

28 thoughts on “Siri Bercakap Dengan Rafa – One, Two… Four!

  1. hahahaha…Rafa sgt cute!! .Wildan lom tau kira. Tapi dia kalu kira….two three two…one tah ke mana. baru baru ni…two terus six. yang lain semua hilang. hahahaha..maybe I should update that in my blog as well.

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