Miki’s Shark Tooth – Why aren’t my child’s milky teeth falling out??

Ever since I see kids his age have their baby teeth removed naturally, I begin to wonder when Miki’s teeth will start to come loose. Well, Miki does have nice teeth, he has not one dental caries, all his baby teeth are healthy and clean. However, Miki is now 6 years and 6 months and none of his milky teeth bergoyang! Peliknya!

Then about 3 weeks ago we noticed one permanent tooth has started growing from behind his baby tooth in the lower jaw. Apparently this is called a shark tooth. The name is cute coz my kids love sharks. Suka shark sangat sampai gigi pun jadi gigi shark. Padan muka! Hahah

But actually Azman and I am really panic ! ! Oh no! Does this mean Miki will have crooked teeth?? No, my son cannot have crooked teeth. There goes his super model career! I cannot let this happen!! No…. I hate crooked teeth… Nooooooo…….

shark teeth gigi susu tidak tanggal


Ok, just kidding about the super model career but yes, I hate crooked teeth. Azman has lovely small teeth and mine although gedabak-gedabak like gigi beruang but at least tak jongos sangat lah! So Miki ni kenapa pelik sangat gigi dia ni, ko terlebih calcium ke apa Miki?

So we take him to see the dentist and the Doctor tells us not to worry. He said from the look of it, Miki has enough space to the permanent teeth to grow and the one we can see now will move forward to the right place once the baby tooth comes out. He said just give Miki apples to eat to help make his teeth come loose faster. Haishh..

So Miki is now eating apples everyday and after almost a month, none of his baby teeth is showing signs of coming off. While the permanent teeth is growing bigger and bigger everyday.

I am worried. What should we do?

Author: Diyana

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