Here are some photos of the party favours that I took using my cellphone. I bought colorful hand towels printed with cartoon characters. They are really cute but I dont know how to make them more presentable so in the end I rolled them up one by one and tie them with tiny red ribbons. For the party gift pack, I bought these pretty plastic bags and filled them with chocolates, jellies and a cartoon blowing bubble which is a must cause it’s Spongebob’s favorite game ever! But when I was buying the colorful bags, I didn’t measure it’s size so the other party favour, which is the party set that consists of party hats, masks, blowing horns etc couldnt fit into it! haishhh.. Fail la Mummy! We also have these tiny Spongebob badges that are really adorable and Miki loved them too. He was supposed to give one to every body but he was so malu especially with the girls.. boleh??? When Azman asked him to give one to Dhea, my friend’s 2 year old daughter, he said “Ala… Daddy bagila.. Miki tak tahu!” sambil tergedik2 terpusing2.. Amboihhh.. ikut perangai Uncle Nize kah? Cartoon hanky for kids!
Party pack!
Spongebob Badges Miki’s behaviour during his own party was MENGADA-NGADA!! He had a lot of fun playing with the kids but he didnt wanna smile to the camera and sometimes didnt wanna share the toys. Haissh.. as guests started to arrive I ushered them to eat and Miki started to play… Check out the fierce pirates look! Haha.. Other pirates have the whole ocean to them but Miki has a bucket! haha!
Lanun yang bengis
Daddy lanun yang tak berapa bengis *pengsan* I was so geram Miki didnt wanna smile to the camera! haishhh.. See below Azman was threatening cajoling him to FREAKING SMILE!
Ada dia kisah? Tetapppp takmau senyum…buat mulut muncung ada lah… Pastu Mama Rose cakap seluar Miki senget.. Ok betulkan kejap… Pasni boleh senyum ekk Miki…
SEKALI BUDAK TU PERGI PEKKKKK… PEGANG KEK PULAK!! Aiii stress nya… (sila lihat muka stress camana).. Satu hal lak nak lap tangan dia sebelum dia lap kat baju… Last-last dapatla gambar Miki lentuk ni walaupun muka tetap masam.. haishhh… Daddy pulak pakai eye patch kat dahi.. apakah? hahaaha.. below photo by Atiqah. Thanks!
Ok aku dah tak larat dah nak upload gambar. Sambung next entry! LOL!
miki tu t-rex dlm costume pirate ..
more like dragon.. scream so loud like fire breath and then killing people
How to make the ruffles on your boys’ pirate shirt, comel la
ha ha..uncle nize tu malu-malu kucing kata org tua2 ..!! =P
what a cool pirate theme birthday party. love the costumes 🙂 Happy Belated Birthday to Miki 🙂
Wow..bestnya birthday Miki…… kenapa miki tak nak senyum…?? takpe…tak senyum pun comel jugak….!! he he he Happy belated birthday, Miki!