My 2011 wish list

Here is my wish list for 2011. It is pretty boring… Like all these years, I still don’t have selera for expensive handbags and jewelleries.

1. I really wish Kokades and the gang won’t successfully reenact another Prison Break act and eat up all my plants ever again! Tolongkan arnab-arnabku yang tersayang… jenuh aku tanam pokok, ko makan! Aku tanam ko makan! Stress ok! Please la next year jangan la makan pokok marigold aku tu dan biarkan diorang bloom cantek-cantek macam kat bawah ni! Begitu juga dengan siput-siput babi yg hazab ini! Tolongla jangan membabi sangat.. hehe

2. When we renovated the house, I think we spent the most on kitchen and the two bathrooms (another upstairs bathroom tak renovate pun). One thing we didn’t consider was the built in wardrobe systems because we had our old wardrobes from the old house. But now I really want pretty wardrobe systems like this. Hopefully in all three upstairs bedrooms. That’s my second wish in 2011. My friend did his walk-in wardrobe and the door alone costs Rm1400 *pengsan* ada gaya wishlist ni carry forward ke tahun lagi depan.. ehhehe

3. A gorgeous console table. For the entryway in our house. I love quaint ones like driftwood and carvings. I saw one that I really like from AtHome and it is priced RM4200. *pengsan lagi*

4. Becomes a mother of two. Double kiddies. Double meroyanness. Oh yeahhh!

Diyana dan anak-anaknya…

5. Kalau aku dah wish nak beranak tu takkan aku nak wish pergi panjat gunung Everest pulak kan? Agak-agakla kalau nak berangan pun.. But before I conceive I must be get my fit body again. Used to be pretty fit when I started to conceive Miki, somehow I think that’s the nreason how I easily get my pre-baby body again. So this time must use same tactic, kalau tak naya je aku… dah la rimau, badan lak lemau… haishhh

walaupon gomok tetap bengis!

Happy 2011!

Author: Diyana

9 thoughts on “My 2011 wish list

  1. hahaha..motif no 4 letak gambo famili rimau…sgt deep okay..
    manade miki nak jalan dengan jinaknya macam tu.

  2. They said,double meroyaness= double happiness!

    I tak sabar nak hidup double2 okeh!

    Double the naughtiness!auwwww

    BYE 😛

  3. Diyana,
    Love this post. Just a point to note..your driftwood table…nak buang debu bila melekat is hell, girl LOL. Oh so you need to put a uniformed maid in your wish list too
    The siput babi’s..omg, i don’t know where my children get this saddistic streak of watching them wither away when they sprinkle salt on it…that was those days, now they are all champions of animals and critters more than they champion me and my plants LOL

  4. the wardrobe mmg superb tapi RM1400 kira bole la kut takdak la mahal sgt no .. tapi kalu console table tu chek pon pensan hehe

  5. I would like to find a game were my daughter can play and have fun. She is four and daerlay knows so much in browsing the web opening programs and printing things.

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