Praying in Silo

I am writing this based on the minimal knowledge and experience and Azman and I have. We may not be the most pious people, but our belief is very strong and we read. We are people who read. I also hope that you read carefully what I write here today before making judgements and leaving comments.

Last Saturday, we held a “Majlis Kesyukuran dan Doa Selamat” at our new house in Kinrara. We were seeking for blessings, for protection and to show thankful to Allah swt for several reasons:

a) Thankful for the beautiful house that we have, everything is from Allah swt he is Al Wahhab, the Giver of all.
b) Ask for blessings (rahmat) and protection from Him so that our house will always be a safe and harmonious for our family to live in
c) Ask for blessings and protection so that my mother who is going to Mekah at the end of this month for Hajj. Hopefully she will achieve Hajj Mabrur. Also we so are thankful that she is given a chance to perform Hajj while she is still healthy and strong. Not everybody gets the opportunity.

It has been a norm to Azman and I (please bear in mind, we are very kampong, conservative people) that we organize feasts (kenduri) and treat as many people as possible to food and drinks (to show we are thankful) and during the gathering, we pray. Yes, we pray. Kita berdoa. 

Usually what we, and I believe most of us practice, is recite surah Yassin and pray (berdoa) not in silo but in community or together with other people (berjemaah). Usually, we would invite all our families, neighbors and the jemaah from the neighborhood mosque.

 In order to invite the Imam and the rest of the jemaah of the neighborhood, Azman went to nearest surau last week. Although he normally goes to the big mosque in BK4 but we feel it’s best to introduce ourselves to the nearest surau.

 So my husband performed Solat Maghrib berjemaah there but he felt something amiss when the Imam did not lead the dzikrullah, or wirid and not even doa after salaam. He just stared into space for awhile and then they proceed with the Islamic Talk of the day by an Ustaz from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM).

 Azman had approached the Imam after that albeit sensing something uncommon and humbly invite him and the rest of the men to our house on Saturday. The feedback that he got was very shocking to us.

 Azman was lectured by the UKM Ustaz in front of about 6-7 people. Yes, he did. The gist of his so-called advice was as follows:

– The Ustaz questioned what is our intention (niat)?
– We need to change our agenda of the event, whereby reciting surah Yassin and reciting the doa SHOULD NOT BE DONE
– The Prophet pbuh did not recite surah Yassin and doa selamat when after the hijrah from Mekah to Madinah thus we should not do it.
– However we may proceed with the feast

I don’t think nobody in this world likes to be in that situation. Especially when you come with a good intent of inviting them to come to our house to eat and do some ibadah to our God. In fact most of us would loath it.

Being the temperamental person that Azman could be sometimes, and together with his own knowledge and experiences seriously he could have debate and ask several questions back to the Ustaz and Imam but he did not. Because the incident was happening at their domain, making it a bad avenue for questioning back,plus in this sort of situation, the argument will produce any good outcome or just plain useless.

Some say that these people hold the Kaum Muda belief. Correct me if I am wrong for I didn’t do a research on Kaum Muda. I understand that they never berdoa after solat because they believe that solat itself is a doa. But never have any of the people we approached heard about Kaum Muda being against doa selamat and Yassin recital. Like I said although we are not very pious but Azman and I are friends with all types of people including Tablighs, religious teachers, Pak Imam etc.

So Azman nodded and agreed with everything that Ustaz said. Coincidently they couldn’t find a marker pen for him to jot down our invitation on the notice board. Azman said he would come back again tomorrow to right it down but of course he did not.

Argue he did not, but here is some insights that we would like to voice out:

1. First the Ustaz asked what is out niat? The answer I have clarified in item a to c above. We strongly believe there is nothing wrong with those niats. If he was implying that we are being syirik – No, we pray to Allah SWT, the one and only God we must worshipped, we were not praying to Siva to Buddha. So it’s not syirik. If the Ustaz was implying that we wanted to boast about our house – No, if boasting was what I wanted to do, I would hold a housewarming party, take the guests on a tour around my house and explain every detail of the decoration and how much they cost. If the Ustaz was implying that we wanted to scare away mystical hantu syaitan – well there may be some truth in that but if we don’t pray to God to protect us from Syaita nirrajim, then from who else? Bomoh Siam kah?? Mona Fendi kah?

2. The Ustaz said go ahead with the makan-makan (feast) but no need for Yassin recital and doa selamat– OK, is that means party is fine but pray is not? So next time we do makan-makan and disco-disco,no? Makan-makan and party buih? Makan-makan and joget lambak?

3. The Ustaz said since the Prophet pbuh didn’t do so then we should not as well. Ok, now comes to the subject on bida’ah (innovation). There is two types of bida’ah which are good bida’ah and bad bida’ah. Although Rasulullah pbuh did not do it, isn’t praying to Him and reciting a surah from the Al-Quran is a noble thing? So couldn’t that be considered as good bida’ah? Nowadays we are practicing a lot good bida’ah including Solat Tarawikh 21 rakaat but as long as they are not syirik, WHY NOT? I am sure, the Ustaz also perform 21 rakaat Tarawikh didn’t he?

4. We don’t understand why the Ustaz asked us not to recite surah Yassin. I thought we all should read the Quran every day and by all means we should encourage all Muslims to read the holy book. Isn’t this contradicting? I have bought a lot of Surah Yassin booklets for my guests, so I should give them or not? If I follow the Ustaz UKM’s advice maybe I should buy Sophie Kinsella’s or Twilight novels for them to read during the makan-makan (that the Ustaz allowed us to do).

5. If we are encouraged to solat berjemaah, why cant we berdoa berjemaah?

6. So solat is a doa, but why can’t we berdoa again and again and again? Isn’t berdoa makes you remember God more?isn’t the more you ask from Him makes your belief towards Him stronger?

7. If we had wanted to do a Tahlil prayer, we could understand it when the Ustaz said no, because there is a clear mentioning in the Quran saying our prayer won’t reach the dead, but then again is it wrong if we still pray, after all we pray to Him, Allah swt?

8. Let’s look at it at the community/ ummah point of view. There is a young man and his family just settled down and wanted to be closer (mendekati) to the local Muslim surau/mosque and on the first day that he came approaching you tell him off on the face in public. Do you think he would come again? Is this an effective psychological method to attract younger generations to come to the mosque?

9. Looking at such action with its long term effect, they are discouraging people to host kenduri-kendara (because there is no need for such, all you need to do is pray on your own) thus the gap of silaturrahim will get wider, no? Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

10. This tenth point came solely from me. As you all know between Azman and I, it is obvious that I am the emotional, drama queen one so I have only one question to the Ustaz UKM –

“Dear Ustaz, during the olden days, Nabi Muhammad SAW did not receive any salary for preaching and teaching Islamic values. Are you taking your salary from UKM? Kalau Nabi tak buat, kita pun tak boleh buat Ustattt!!! Jangannnn Ustatttt!! BIDAAAHH tuuu…DOSAAAAA!!!”


Author: Diyana

26 thoughts on “Praying in Silo

  1. sungguh fishy! jemaah apakah itu? it’s totally fine in our community reciting yasin and doa during doa selamat. apa yang bidaah baca yasin? sungguh scary cerita you. might as well invite jemaah from the bigger mosque. double check with them.

  2. scary nye..hmmm….should double check on it la Di…kat area umah aku ok je…nak buat baca yassin, kenduri doa selamat..on jerrr…imam…bukan calang2 org tuuu..tapi xde plak kena sound camni….aduishhh….better u double check dgn imam yg lain pulak…

  3. Diyana, i’ve read ur entry..
    kebetulan i tgh online ngn sesorang yg boleh dikatakan sesorang berilmu alim ulamak la senang..yg dpt pendidikn dr timur tgh..i copy ur entry utk is d answer:
    “Ustaz tue berkemungkinan besar dari golongan Waha… bi..tak ada sapa yang salah or betul dalam hal ni…InsyaAllah..

  4. Hi friends,
    actually it’s nothing scary la.. it’s just that these people have a different way of thinking like Baya said they may be Wahabi. They are still Muslims and our Muslim brothers.
    I am not saying that they are bad people or wrong people, we just feel like this kind of practices is not contributing to a better ummah and if they choose to go totally against bidaah they probably shouldnt be selective on the bidaah they want to go against.

  5. huhuhu.. those might fahaman like ur friend mention.. depa ni lain sikit kekdahnya..

    buat bacaan yassin n doa selamat kan bagus.. bukan buat benda dosa.. kalau party tu ye la dosa ye tak?

  6. speechless… tatau nak komen apa… but rasa sgt weird! baca yaasin dan doa selamat tak perlu? tak perlu ke? kalau u jemput dia dtg makan2 je… u rasa that ustaz and his crew akan dtg ke D? just makan2… dtg kot. sebab depa takmo baca doa, baca yaasin… depa nak makan je… kenyang perut suka hati then balik tidoq! kelakar, scray dan sakit hati pulak dgn ustaz and the crew!

  7. Biasalah tu. Banyak sangat fahaman kat Malaysia ni when it comes to Islamic teachings. Tapi mengaibkan orang memang tak patut la, tak kira apa fahaman pun, tak kisah la ko tu ustaz ke bukan ustaz. Elok orang nak rapat dengan mesjid, ko dah halau siang-siang.

  8. kt my place pon mcm tu jugak, no doa after solat jemaah.. sebab majority di kondo ni from arab n middle east dan diorang yg slalu jadi imam.. so kami follow je lah.. and yes, di malaysia ni banyak fahaman cuma jangan sampai jadi ajaran sesat dah lah..

  9. Diyana,

    Aku boleh bagi pandangan berkaitan dengan 2 perkara yg ko sebut:
    1) Pasal doa beramai-ramai slps solat. Ianya boleh dilakukan dengan syarat ianya tidak dijadikan kewajipan atau kebiasaan. Maksudnya kalau nak buat boleh, kalau x nak buat pun boleh. Sumber: Ust. Adlan bin Abd. Aziz dlm ceramahnya Ahad lalu di Islamic Information Center.
    2) Pasal bacaan surah Yasin, ada golongan yg mengganggap (berdasarkan ilmu) bhw hadith berkenaan fadhilat surah Yasin adalah lemah atau palsu. Ada golongan pulak yg mengatakan (berdasarkan ilmu jugak) bahawasanya hadith itu sahih. Kalau mengikut golongan yg kedua tu, maka tak salahlah kalau kita amalkan Yasin ni. kalau ustaz UKM tu adalah golongan pertama, tak nak amalkan, xpelah. tak pyhla nak ceramah azman depan orang ramai. Sumber:
    Note: Penulis (Kamin) adalah seorang pendakwah yang aku percayai sebab dia membuat kajian dan berfikiran terbuka.

  10. tak kisah la hadis lemah ke…sahih ke…
    nabi penah buat ke…atau tak pernah buat ke…
    aku masih tak bleh terima berdoa kat Allah swt tu salah…
    dan..aku takleh terima baca surah Yasin tu salah…
    ..dan malukan orang di khalayak ramai tu adalah perkara BAIK!

    minta tolong orang….boleh…
    minta tolong kat Allah…salah??

  11. salaam d,

    This would be a verry lengthy comment… I’d try to address the matter as best I could ok…

    Nabi Muhammad kata lebih kurang macam ni: Di akhir zaman nanti, orang islam akan terpecah kepada 73 cabang dan semua cabang merasakan mereka betul tetapi hanya satu cabang je yang memang betul betul benar dan akan masuk syurga, yang 72 lagi semua akan ke neraka…

    Ingat lagu hud hud dari M.nasir. Hah tu kisah islam akhir zaman la.. hehe

    Firstly, kalau memang Imam tu was harsh towards azman, memang dia salah sama sekali. Tak patut buat macam tu. patutnye kalau nak berdakwah kena lembut2.

    Second and the rest would be my explanation on what just happened with the imam. I’ve had similar situation and I have a few friends who are already in this group.

    1. I assume the imam is from sallafus soleh or also known as wahabi or salafi. Group ni ialah group yang cuba ikut exactly macam mana nabi muhammad hidup. So, diorg ialah golongan yang mengkaji hadis. Gerakan di malaysia mungkin bermula awal 2000 di mana masa tu banyak isu hadis palsu. So this salafi group decided to kaji the hadis themselves. And in all cases this group take the hadith as it is, literally and diorang tak refer to pandangan ulama lain.

    2. Sebabnya ustaz tanya niat tu ialah.. most of the hadith’s book will always start with the first hadith yang bermaksud ‘Setiap amal bermula dengan niat’. So I assume, that’s why ustaz tanya. It shouldnt matter ape niat you asalkan niat tu baik, there is no right or wrong answer to it.

    3. pasal isu bidaah, salafi ni literally amik dari satu hadith yang mengatakan setiap bidaah tu sesat dan setiap yang sesat itu masuk neraka. pada diorg there’s no good or bad bidaah. Bidaah pada diorg tak boleh dibuat langsung. Boleh jadi memang ustaz tu semayang terawih 8 rakaat je bukan 21. sebab 21 rakaat hanya bermula zaman umar al-khattab.

    4. Mengikut their believes jugak, what we’re used to which is yasin and doa selamat are categorised at ‘culture’. Warisan ulama2 dulu yang maybe dah di-influence oleh budaya… Itu yang dia cakap, nabi muhammad tak pernah buat. Memang kalau ikut kebanyakan cerita kisah2 nabi dan sahabat, memang takde satu pun kisah mengenai nabi baca yasin dan doa selamat. Tapi ada banyak kisah pasal nabi attend makan2 dengan sahabat.

    kesimpulannye, Memang tak salah ape yang you nak buat, yasin and doa tu benda baik. boleh je you buat kalau u nak. Kita kebanyakan kat malaysia ikut macam mana ulama2 buat. Ulama kita kat malaysia buat yasin and doa so takde masalah la…

    So sentiasala berdoa kita ialah golongan yang satu masuk syurga tu…

    salaam sayang tau…

  12. Hmm…. termenung panjang bila aku baca entry ni..

    Apa bila perbuatan berdoa dan baca Yassin dipersoal…
    Masa Arwah bapak aku meninggal, mmg buat tahlil, selama seminggu org2 masjid dtg umah aku, baca yasin beramai2… tuk disedekahkan pada bapak aku… ada jugak yg amik kesempatan amik air bacaan yasin… Bidaahkah itu??

    Pas 40 hari arwah bapak aku meninggal aku buat kenduri arwah… with the same thing, ada bacaan yasin… bidaah jugak ka?

    KepadaNya kita berserah dan kepadaNya kita nak mengadu nasib pun… Pada siapa lagi?? Salahkah berdoa?? Aku tengok rancangan2 keagamaan di tv pun bila ade sebarang pertanyaan, ustaz2 selalu nasihat, byk2 berdoa… Allah Maha Mendengar, Maha Mengasihi lagi Mengasihani…

    Sapa ustaz tu? Aku x UKM aku nak tau… Kalau ya pun nak bagi nasihat, buatlah cara elok, secara berhikmah… Org cakap elok2 dibalas camni…

  13. Di….oshh…….stunt reading your entry…
    may be its a good idea for you to check with another imam…
    pening lalat jap baca….entry you…sejak i pindah kat BK
    early this year ,….tak buat lagi doa selamat …was thinking
    to do but looking at this situation i may change my mind…

  14. erm.. saya ni masih cetek ilmu agama tapi nk komen gak. ttg isu bace yasin ni i penah dgr seorang imam explain. tak ingat la plak name dia. dia kate, “ok katelah bacaan yaasin tu x digalakkan. then, berape percentage kita akan spend some time just to read quran? on our own? tanpe paksaan and obligation? with the current lifestyle yg sibuk memanjang? so saya rase bagus ade allocation utk bace yaasin. lagipun kan yaasin tu ayat dari alquran jugak bukannye dari mane pun. ape2 yg bagus elok diteruskan.”

    and pasal ikutan perbuatan nabi muhammad, kita kene mengambil kira peredaran masa gak cth kenderaan. tak kan still nk naik haiwan? naik kete bidaah ke? atas alasan nabi tak naik kete. n xleh pakai handphone, laptop, internet, washing machine, microwave, tv, radio. boleh gitu? x boleh kan? sebab tu adalah baik kita berbincang dan berfaham2 dgn org yg berilmu.

    saya teringat dulu ustaz harun din penah bincang isu adil dalam islam. cth beri songkok pada anak lelaki. then pada anak perempuan xkn nak beri songkok juga? atas alasan nak jadi adil. so nk buat something kene fikir. so kita beri dia tudung.

    macamane kita nk menentang musuh yg nyata kalau kita bersengketa sesama sendiri? extremism is not the way. ewah, banyak cakap pulak aku pagi2 begini.

  15. Salam everyone,
    thank you for your insights/advice etc. Let me quote rozy in her above comment

    “sejak i pindah kat BK
    early this year ,….tak buat lagi doa selamat …was thinking
    to do but looking at this situation i may change my mind…”

    Kalau tak kerana kerana perkara ni, mesti at least 20people akan baca Yassin aka surah dari Al-Quran, tapi skrg Rozy dah ubah fikiran.
    Di mana baiknya? Ada orang boleh jawap?


  16. aku pun penah ader experience mcm azman at my neighbourhood..
    senang jer … wat tak tau jer dgn depa tu .
    tapi mmg cmtu kot sesetengah ustaz2 yg from UKM, UIA ni . diorang punya cara menegur tu mmg kerek gak bagi aku . baik lagi ustaz2 from skolah agama or skolah pondok ke .. itu experience aku la .. wallahualam .

  17. Hi diyana, I pun ada encounter a few people that have your experiences, both from azman side and the other side point of view. These are what I found out:

    Mcm komen kat atas, ppl called orang mcm ustaz tu wahabi. They study hadith where amongst main reason are terlalu banyak hadis palsu. Kekdg terkejut gak bile dgr benda tu hadith palsu. Cthnya ada ustazah kat tv ckp, “bila suami balik kite kena bagi rotan & air (sth like that I can’t remember exactly). This was actually hadith palsu. I was shocked gak to know it was fake. Kalau palsu camne ustazah tu boley narrate in live tv kan? Ada byk lagik hadith palsu (they said it was thousands!) tapi I pun dah tak ingat pulak.

    So kerana ada sesetengah orang tak check reliability of the hadith source, these so called wahabi people study sunnah thoroughly. They want to follow exactly what PBUH does supaya ibadah mereka diterima dan tak lari dari ajaran nabi. Coz they believe what PBUH portrayed on how to do each ibadah is indeed the best way. They opines that, cthnya kalau baca yassin malam jumaat tu bagus, kenapa PBUH tak buat? They believe that as the last prophet, he will advise his ummah on what are the best ibadah to perform to obtain Allah’s blessing.

    Ini cuma mencakupi perkara2 ibadah spt solat, tarawih, doa, etc. Kalau benda2 tak melibatkan ibadah mcm handphone & kenderaan of coz boley sbb tu bukan ibadah. Some ppl said, kalau benda baik apa salahnya. But to wahabi, this only applies to non-ibadah matters. Kiranya kalau benda involve ibadah nie sensitif sket, tak digalakkan alter2 kalau PBUH tak advise.

    But the approach to instill people on such idea kena betul. Coz you are trying to change culture that has been in Msia for many years. So approach pun kena diplomatic. I pernah gak kena mcm azman sth like “mana boley baca yassin”. Terkezut beb! Tapi bila people who are good on approach tell me one by one, through research and knowledge baru lah I boley absorb the comments.

    Btw, Dr. asri has good articles on this. you can read at kalau tak salah.

    Just my 2 cents. Wallahualam.

  18. aku tanak la cakap pandai bab agama ni..
    kalu baca Quran elok..kenapa baca Yasin tak elok?
    kalu berdoa tak elok..kenapa dlm Quran ada cerita Nabi2 berdoa..
    kalu takut sangat hadis palsu..kenapa tak tolak saja semua hadis…?? apsal nak kena pilih2 ikut kehendak sendiri?

    last skali..tak payah la kita sombong sgt… dah la tak bagi org baca firman Allah swt dalam surah Yasin..nak berdoa minta tolong kat Allah swt pun kita larang…hehe. ada sapa2 berani kata haram ke?

  19. saye nak bagi pandangan tapi situasi yg berbeza- cukur jambul..zaman nabi xde pun cukur jambul,berendoi tu sume…even bace marhaban pun xde..sunah nabi jus cukur,namekan anak n akikah pada usia baby 7 skrg org buat dgn marhaban sume-x salah kan?, tpi nabi x buat..tu je.

    so rasenye ade miscom between azman n ustaz tu kot..mgkn ustaz tu nak menyampaikan zaman nabi x buat bende2 tu sume..tu je..tgk jugak faktor umur ustaz tu..toksah la nak amik ati bab2 agama ni..buat tambah dosa je duk kutuk2 ustaz/pakcik tu..

  20. kutuk ustaz…berdosa.
    aku kena kutuk…tak berdosa pulak ustaz tu.
    …dan komen tak bagitau nama plak???..tak kira mengumpat ke tu…hehe

  21. proceed dgn kenduri dan baca yassin tu, ajak saudara mara dan kawan-kawan datang, minta tolong ayah atau pakcik atau saudara yg boleh jadi imam dan lead baca yassin dan berdoa masa kenduri tersebut.

  22. tanya mengenai wahabi kat org wahabi..mesti la betul semua..
    cuba tanya ayah pin pasal kerajaan langit..mesti ayah pin pun kata betul..hahahaha..

  23. diyana dear,

    that ustaz is a minimalist (i think) and your posting kinda reminds me of a story where The Prophet showed Abdullah bin Umar of this one guy who would go to heaven. out of curiosity, he went to the man’s house and observed whatever deeds that make this man’s place in heaven guaranteed. but the man did not do anything out of the ordinary. he did not even wake up in the middle of the night to pray. so after 3 days of futile attempts to make sense of the man’s worthiness to God, he told the man that he would go to heaven and wanted to know why.

    so the man told him that he’s not pious and he had no idea why would any of his ibadah be worthy to God.

    the only thing he can say was that…he never let jealousy get the better of him 🙂

    p/s: so moral cerita ini adalah…jgn jeles dgn perempuan santik spt kamu yg memiliki suami (ehem) hensem mcm azman dan anak kiut mcm miki…*mati la statement tidak bermoral*

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