The car that I have been driving today was bought in 2005. Every year Azman takes care of its insurance and road tax. Although it has suffered minor self inflicted scratches and dents but the windshield has been damaged by the lady driver.
Yes peeps, aku dah langgar sana sini tapi cermin depan tak pernah pecah ok! Respek sket!
So as the 6th year approaches Azman decided that he finally trusted me and that we should just eliminate the windshield insurance from the total insurance package. After all he has been paying RM100 for that alone annually and never claim it.
I told him whatever, I just know how to drive and langgar but I don’t know anything about paying and what not. So the new insurance policy has been issued on 3rd week of July. On the 4th week of July, for the first time in the history of Diyanazman, the windshield cracked! If it wasn’t for the tint, it would have pecah berderai dipupuk sang bayu…. Begitulah jua hati laki aku! Pecah berderai mengenangkan cermin keretaku…
Just because of this kid..
In case you are wondering, nope he didn’t throw a rock on the shield, neither did he hit it with a hockey stick. Oh neither did he made me so angry that I screamed and the glass cracked. All the lil boy age 2 years, weight 13.5 kilos and about 95cm tall did was leap on his toes while he was sitting on my lap and CRACKED! Suddenly there were a huge star where his head hit the glass and to our surprise the lil boy wasn’t seeing stars at all! When Azman screamed his name, Miki went…. Apa? Apa? And looking puzzled.
“KENAPA TANDUK CERMINNNN?” Tu dia bukan selalu bapak ko tu nak menjerit kan?
So that’s the story how I got a bintang pecah sebelas on my windshield. Ini kita namakan keras kepala. Literally.
..Uii..keras betul miki nih!! hishh…
nize, tanduk cermin kereta sampai retak… tak rasa sakit langsung… taktaula nak kata apa…
eeii chomelnye budak kecik ni….grrr
waaaaa…. we had the crack on the windshield because of our daughter too. dia selalunya kena ikat kat car seat belakang. but it was raining that day, nak cepat i masukkan dia kat depan skali. Minah tu excited sebab julung2 boley dok depan.. pusing sana-sini.. and all we know, prak! dia hantuk cermin and crack to 3 directions.. tapi, miki lagi hebat… 11! 🙂
we are lucky though… insured.
haha go Miki go!!!
Sangat rock la Miki!
miki..miki.. haiash.. abg man.. abg man.. haish…
miki..miki.. haiash.. abg man.. abg man.. haish… (tiru bauk. rindu kat ko ah baok!)
ayaq jgn tulis camtu nanti awek Bauk baca kang?!
hahahahaha..selamba jer si budak miki ni tanduk cermin pastu mcm tak buat salah. Tak sakit pulak tu! Nasib baik muka cute=)
haha….my son pun baru tanduk cermin kereta i haha. but even though insured, still kena bayar lah the remaining
sama kes ngn aiman….cermin depan crack mcm awk tu teruk lagik..
dia mcm tak de apa2 jer bila kepala kena cermin tu ..
so kami dok fikir teori nya :mmg cermin senang dipecahkan dari dalam kot..supaya nnt kalau2 apa2 kecemasan leh sepak jer cermin tu ehhe
ni mesti menanduk ala2 zidane menandul materazzi dulu ni. hehe