
It is 9.30pm and I am at home. Miki is as always in front of the Tv but I don’t know if he is watching it or not. Every once in a while he will ran as fast as he could to the kitchen passing me in dining room while shouting on top of his lungs

ADA DUA! ADA DUA! ADA DUA!!!” with two of his fingers raised high on both hands.

Five minutes later it’s “ADA BANYAK… ADA BANYAKK… ADA BANYAKKK..” and he was waving his hands with ten fingers spread apart above his head.

I do not know what he has been counting. I hope it is not little green boys his size or something.

I have been really busy and will update more later. If you crave blogging entertainment you can read the comments at my TM Point entry. They are very nice.


Author: azman

6 thoughts on “Phew!

  1. u are tired. Even your writing pon ada missing words. Who knows wat’s in that little boy mind/brain. They see everything as amusing and entertaining. 😀

  2. kak iena… i am very tired! sigh… see i am blogging using azman’s login name and comment also using his sebab malas nak logout and login again…

    ps nak chicken stew


  3. omg diyana, lisa pun macam tu. the tv make them hallucinate ke? hehe part lari tu mmg sebijik.

  4. Haha maybe dat was some of his imaginary friends, budak kecik kan sgt la berimaginasi tinggi.That means they are SMART 😉 Weeeeeee 😀

  5. muahahaha. entry entertainment tu makin panjang yer. mahap lah, tak dapek den nak nolong. sbb den pun pengalaman pahit jugek bersama strimix. +P farneee lah those ppl. =P

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