No 501

This in the 501st blog post in this website. I cannot believe I have written so many. No wonder I have forgotten some entries. I thought it was some kinda early symptom of Alzheimer and I was rather agitated but now with 500 and more posts, the symptom is justified.

Does that mean I am still getting Alzheimer?


Yesterday I fetched Miki from the babysitter’s and she said Miki had been behaving very well! He didn’t sulk a single time and he kept hugging and kissing Mama Rose instead of trying to push her into the oven and close the door.

He spoke many new words including ones that I wasn’t very keen in teaching him like MALAS (lazy) and MATI (dead). He used these words in perfect sentences that reflected his understanding.

“Bulat-Bulat (his new toy cat) dah tinggal kat umah! Dah tinggalkan dah! Miki MALAS nak ambik!” dalam hati aku banyak la ko punya malas!

Part mati ni gruesome sikit. “Haaaa tu bas! Bas… langgar Daddy ni, bas! Daddy mati dah! Daddy jadi hantu!” *Mummy-Daddy dengar terus pengsan*

I love to hear him talk using “-kan” in perfect Malay sentence. He has mastered this for about a month or two.
“Kenapa Mummy jatuhkan balloon tu?” But anything involving his Daddy must be a little bit crazy and keji like

“Miki nak beli jujus (juice). Miki nak tumpahkan kat kepala Daddy! Haha! Habis basah-basah baju Daddy!” motipp ada angan2 nak mandikan pak dia dengan jus? *pengsan*

On the other hand, our house will be ready in a couple of days. I cannot wait to move in our new house where nobody can eat at my beautiful glossy new dining set and carries a mug around without a coaster. Awas ya Daddy and Miki, sapa buat sepah Mummy babab nanti!!!


Speaking of Mr Daddy, his birthday is coming on the 3rd of June and I didn’t plan anything to celebrate! Boohooo! But considering 2 years ago I totally forget kira okla tahun ni tak lupa kan???

So to my darling husband, sekiranya Adinda lupa nak wish pada hari Khamis nanti, terimalah ucapan yg awal 2 hari ini – Happy Birthday to you! Diyana and Miki loves you very much!! Muax muaxxx!!

To all our readers thanks for visiting our psychotic blog despite the typos, the grammatical errors, the rojak language, the oral abuse (but I believe a lot likes to read my abuse haha!) Thanks! Diyanazman hopes to write 500 more entries! Weehooooo!!

Have some Diyanazman narcissism dua keping! Taken at the gorgeous tea plantation on the 31st January 2010 during our trip to Cameron Highlands with Miki’s Atok, Opah and Cik Ani.

Author: Diyana

9 thoughts on “No 501

  1. Mengapakah Miki mempunyai morbid fascination with inflicting bodily harm terhadap ibu bapanya?
    Adakah dia telah dijampi oleh bakal jiran sebelah hang?

  2. saya suka imaginasi Miki 😉

    anyway, Happy Birthday in advance to Miki’s Daddy!;)

  3. asroll… he thinks it’s funny! kejiness runs in the family…
    ejamaris, umah baru tu dia yg beli kat aku.. bukan aku yg beli kat dia.. heheheheheh
    opy, miki’s imagination kebanyakannya berkisar tentang mencampak benda2 masuk kolam, longkang, kena potong dengan pudang dan kena langgar bas… oh dan satu lagi… kena kejar hantu jagung! *pengsan*

  4. sweetkan bila 2yo child cakap -kan… tp ayat miki lagi best la…syira baru setakat ‘ibu,pakaikan’ sambil huloq baju/suar… or ‘suapkan’…belum blaja words ‘tolong’ 😀

  5. Bravo Dee!!!! i love reading ur blog…hehehe Aniq ckp ayat putus-putus….blum pandai sambgkn lg…

  6. happy birthday to incik azman….semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki….semoga bahagia sentiasa di samping keluarga tersayang…..amiinnn

    3rd june….date yg takkan kami lupakan…sebab… happy anniversary to us…hehehe….

  7. am, hehehe comel la syira tu! bila nak main dengan Miki kat MCD lagi?
    nidda, aniq kecit lagi… sket lagi pandai la tu.. kang ko jadi aku,tak larat layan!
    ayaq, miki gory ikut sapa ekk?? nize kot
    atie! laaa anniversary ko ke?? HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!

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