How to make me vomit blood and DECLARE WAR!!!

At this very moment every heart beat inside of me pumps not blood but fury, I hate this feeling. I am very angry.

As I have stated before, my house renovation has started on the 17th April. My contractors have been working from around 9am-6pm Monday to Saturday. Totally no work is being done on Sunday to respect my neighbors and those laborers need rest too.

Yesterday (Monday 26th) one of the Indonesian workers had shyly told Azman that our next door neighbors had came and asked him to stop. Yes, he asked him to STOP DOING HIS WORK.

Temperature badan sedikit naik di situ. Secara clinicalnya the composition of my blood cells had naturally react to that statement by generating heat commonly known as RAGE. Perghh… baran?! Aku scowled at Azman but did not say anything. I was busy at that time and I figured there must some kind of misscommunications somewhere.  The Indon worker is a quiet young man, very shy and reserved. Maybe he wrongly interpreted what my neighbor had said.

This morning however, Azman received a call from the contractor saying that two MPSJ officers had come to inspect on their work. My workers came to Malaysia legally with working permits. This kind of foreign workers would rather pay up money than mess with authority, because they are really here to work and earn a decent living. So although they had not done anything wrong; they adhered and stop the work on MY HOUSE for today.

The renovation work on MY HOUSE has been delayed by one day. The officers came and couldn’t find a single thing that is against the law (that most probably they make themselves). They left saying that the site visit is procedural to them BECAUSE THERE HAS BEEN A REPORT!

Mind you, we are not building any external structure. We are not making an extension to the existing building. We are not making a mess, not even a pile of sand in the size of a dog shit on the roadside in front of the house. All construction materials are kept neatly INSIDE my compound! Yes, my garden is big! Even the huge construction trash trunk whatchamacallit, that is a must for every building under construction is tucked neatly beneath my porch!


Yaaaaa.. who else but Mr. and Mrs. Next Door Neighbor, no?

Azman investigated a little bit and called the head contractor, Yanto. According to him, the couple had came on Saturday to tell them to STOP doing their work because of all the noise. Apparently they were using the cement mixer machine and it had been making  noise I guess that they came complaining.

Yanto being considerate and understood that it was a Saturday and they probably need some rest had instructed his workers to mix the cement manually by their tulang empat kerat.

My say? One; waste of energy – do you understand how frustrating it is to have a car and yet you need to walk a dozen miles just because walking doesn’t emit any sound?
Two; Do you know how hard it is to mix cement using the shovel? Do you?
Three; The time it takes to get my house done is now longer BECAUSE IT IS BLOODY OBVIOUS THAT MACHINE DOES IT FASTER!!!!

Tapi takpe… Yanto very nice and sedar diri that he shouldn’t disturb the neighbors on Saturdays. He didn’t even tell this to us. So the men shoveled and shoveled the cement mix. 80% less noise I confidently say and don’t you guys think that Mr. and Mrs. Jiran Pakai Ketayap Tapi Biadap should be contented already?

But nope, I guess they were still dengki unhappy. This couple is much older than us. Their son is probably in college already. From the way they look and dressed, they seem to be from keturunan orang baik-baik. So I don’t understand why after much consideration from my workers; they still come complaining on Monday and what makes my blood boils the most is the formal reporting to the authorities on Tuesday????

Why the hell are they telling my workers to STOP? Stop until when? What is the justifications? By saying STOP; what exactly is the message that they are trying to convey?
1) Do not renovate this house because we don’t approve it? Who the fcuk are you to say so? We bought this property!
2) These works are too noisy, so the owners must just move in into a house without any renovations?
3) Biar rumah aku je cantik, korang jangan buat rumah jadi cantik?

Owhhh by the way their house is very cantikkk!!!  Trimmings hijau muntah Kokades dengan dinding oren berak cirit rotavirus aku. Cantik kan??? Macam sakaiiii!!!

To me when they simply went ahead and scolded my poor workers without consulting us as the house owner that soon will be their neighbors; THEY DECLARED WAR!!

Actually anybody who paints their hijau muntah dan oren taik memang sengaja nak declare war dengan jiran dia lah! hehe!

For your information, we had came over last week and introduced ourselves properly to Mr Jiran Pakai Ketayap Tapi Biadap, and apologize if any of the works would caused him and his family some discomfort.

But come on… rumah tengah renovate mestilah ada bunyi bising! Itu adatlah! When they did their massive renovation last time (which was 5 times more extensive that what we are doing today) aku bet potong jari their contractors must have made a lot of noises too, right?

So why when other people nak buat renovation tak boleh? I only change some tiles inside the house, how long does the renovation takes if not just a few weeks? Tak boleh sabar sikit ke? Macam ni ke hidup bermasyarakat? Salah sikit terus report, nak suruh aku kena saman ke? Apsal keji sangat manusia macam ni?

Come on la. Pakai ketayap tak bukak-bukak. Tudung labuh sampai lutut. Bising sikit terus report authorities, tak reti ke bawak berbincang? Ni bangsa apa biadap sangat ni? kalau dah tak boleh bising langsung yang pergi duduk tepi highway tu buat apa? Pergilah pindah belakang hospital sebelah rumah mayat ke… confirm senyap!

We have not moved in yet and already they messing with us. Aku kawan dengan Jin Islam lagi baik. Haqqqhhh ptuih kahak hijau!

Author: Diyana

21 thoughts on “How to make me vomit blood and DECLARE WAR!!!

  1. You go girlfriend! Tell them nobody mess with Diyana Yang!

    I think it has to do with ‘who-I-am-and-who-you-are-not’ more than anything else. Mungkin hang kelihatan seperti Rihanna and decided not to like you straight away.

  2. oh, such suckers! sounds like a classic case of dengki to me. better start using your buat pagar sekeliling rumah dgn ayat quran knowledge now- halau setan, jin serta mata-mata, hati-hati dengki dari buat kacau. itu belum lagi pindah dah buat pasai, dah pindah….well, wish you, azman and lil cik miki the best…

  3. tumpang geram sekali….awal2 dah nak carik pasal..tu belum lagik awk duduk pindah situ..

    apa laaa..tak da reti bahasa ke apa..

  4. yanto? apa nama sbnr contractor tu? Riyanto ke? dia dok mana? mcm nama head of contractor yg buat rumah aku pulak..adakah beliau org yg sama?huhuhu

  5. bodo piang depa ni la cth oghang yg x tau nk idup bermasyarakat..x tau hidup berjiran. pk depa jek..tang depa pi letup kn dinding dapoq takpa..bila oghang buat depa kalut! hang pi ghumah depa hang tepet kaw2 sedas dua tgk!

    patot nya sabar la kan..bkn nya lama pon. and bkn ko wat renovation smpai malam. org tau timbang rasa xkan tak leh nk tolak ansur sket ye tak? manusia..manusia..

  6. Weyhhhhhhh!MARAHNYE SAYA!!!!!!!!!

    Ape masalah ko ah pakcip ketayap and makcik pakai parachute????
    These people are soooooooooooo like RM!

    Tak pasal2 ganggu hidup orang.Kalo pagi petang siang malam gi masjid, tapi hati jiran tatau nak jaga, ingat Tuhan nak terima ke amalan korang??

    Orang yang tak balaja agama pon tahu kot nak MENGHORMATI JIRAN.HUHU

    Sabar Kak D nak opy bagi baGI barang FREE to cheer u up?HAHAHA

  7. Mr. and Mrs. Jiran Pakai Ketayap Tapi Biadap —aku suka pantun 2 kerat ni..hahaha!

    Semoga semuanya berjalan lancar…insyaAllah

  8. opy: pakai parachute by mean tudung labuh ke?

    saya sebagai seorang yg memakai tudung ‘parachute’ amat malu dengan pakcik makcik tu..

    apalah makcik,buat malu saya je,pakai dah sopan tapi macam ni ke sesama islam..

    jiran pun ada hak jugak tau..kira baguslah yanto dah consider shovel simen tak pakai mesin..lagu mau kecoh

    malulahhhh aku makcikk!sumpahh malu.

    p/s:: doenst mean aku akan bukak tudung parachute ni,some people are just like dat,macam jiran aku dulu gak,ketayap 24/7,tapi menyakitkan hati jiran sampai rasa nak sepak je pakcik tu.lucky my parent are nice people,sabar aje.

  9. YA ALLAH kesiannya kat u… sometimes people are like that inconsiderate bloody idiots whom actually should live in the jungle than mixing around with other people…kalau aku letak sign besar besar depan rumah tulis..


  10. Biasalah bila ada renovation, kena la bersabar sket. Kalau dia asyik suruh stop, makin lambatlah gamaknya nak siap. Memalukan sungguh la jiran gini. buat bengkak hati aje.

  11. sabo la dee…aku rs ko kna pk long-term plan cmner…nak hidup ‘berjiran’….penin penin

  12. anasfadilah,
    thank you for reading my blog.
    when we found out that we are going to have Malay neighbors we were happy but now we havent even move in yet and already they showed their true colors. what do they expect from us after this?

    diorang better mai umah aku bawak KFC sebarrel baru aku maafkan. haha
    you first time commenter eh? thanks for reading my blog. aku tak pulak beramah mesra dengan si Yanto tu.. aku tatau pulak nama penuh dia apa. mungkin Yantosari atau Yanto Saputra.
    aku tak takut authority. Authority patut takut dengan aku, Sebab sebelum sempat dia cari salah aku dah mintak dia jelaskan KPI kerja dia secara terperinci kalah annual appraisal dia dah hujah2 bernas supported by documents on identifying my mistakes.

    Kalau setakat pusing2 nak kutip duit rahsuah, disamping aku dengan penuh gaya akan bayar saman dan takkan bayar rahsuah aku juga akan memperjelaskan kat authority ni yg duit rahsuah itu akan jadi cell cancer dalam bahagian-bahagian badan beliau dan insya Allah untuk menyucikannya dia akan kena multiple body parts removal. sekian terima kasih.

  13. I’m having the same problem jugak sekarang nih, rumah tgh hacking the walls, sah sah lah bising kan, but same case lar, ada neighbour sudah complain sama itu pak guard, sib baik pak guard ajer, kalau tak I pun nak declare WARRRR sama dia jugak…tak paham tul lah, it’s not as if the contractors tu keje sampai malam, padahal umah dia lagi besar gedabak..sure buat renov lagi banyak…org org camni kena dok dlm hutan jer bagus!!!

  14. sabaq na diyana.. what goes around comes around.. lagipun apa depa dapat.. dasar dengki memang lagu tu.. tak boleh tengok tang orang lebih..

    nasib baik jiran I sekarang ni ok..


  15. alahai pakcik…meh la duk dekat2 rumah saya..kat tanah lot ni banyak kosong! mesti bykkkkk aduan boleh buat! dah takde keje, kan?masa akak mula 2 duk sini 2-3 rumah sekali naik…bukan renovation! ketangg ketunggg sana sini! tapi tak kisah pun…!dah tahu adat buat rumah.. tu bukan rumah kotak kertas boleh disusun2…yang penting kita dapat jiran.. boleh buat kawan…. sabar di…mula2 je kot, nanti ok la tu..:)

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