A Dozen Red Roses


One thing that can always make a lady smile. One thing that can always make her spirits high. Is something so pure and strictly simple. They are the marvel from our nature, the splendor of magic in a thing called flowers.

Be it a bouquet of exotic orchids, which is glorious and cost a fortune, or a garland of lilies, that is so delicate and yet so stunning, or a single hibiscus that her son picks from the garden, soon wither and fade but never in her heart. A flower gathers happiness around. Its bloom brings joy and spread love like petals in the wind.

Today I receive a dozen roses. So beautiful they are, so red with passion. You might not know what it meant to me, but these roses fill my heart with so much glee.

Thank you, Azman.. I am so happy!

Author: Diyana

13 thoughts on “A Dozen Red Roses

  1. beb u hospitalised ke? kesian. get well son ya. and owh, the roses are beautiful. take care.

  2. soooo sweeeeettt.. this is a very rare post where you were being sweet from the first sentence to the very end.. i was expecting some rolling-on-the-floor-jokes or a little sarcasm but there were none!!!! good for you 🙂

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