There are many questions in this one. O’ wise readers kindly please share your ideas.
The living room is vertical rectangle 19ft x 14 ft. I don’t know what to do with it. It has two sliding doors. One facing the porch another opens up to the patio in the little garden. Can I separate this room into two?
Ok if I use a room divider, what types are the nicest? String curtain? Bamboo? Glass is gorgeous eh? Like this artist impression… Can I afford this? Damn!

photo from typhoonvigour.blogspot
Ok, lets say I sold my kidney at the human organ black market to an old dying millionaire for a few thousands and I can afford a nice room divider; one part will be the living room proper with the TV and couches and coffee table, what would the other be?
It would be nice if the second part with the patio can be a dining room so that we can dine with a view but we have another dining room attached to the kitchen already. Azman thinks we should buy a snooker table and put it there. I said ok if we also buy a Jean-Claude Van Damme live size statue tengah tertonggek main snooker letak kat situ.
On the other hand, if I keep my kidney and just treat the room as one living room, it’s gonna be too oblong and I cannot think of a nice way to arrange the couch and stuff. How do you arrange a living room like this? Help!
How about book racks? You’ll impress your guests with guests with selections of great books and Cleos. Aku tau hang baca Cleo.
Sell your kidney! I like how this looks like.
Now I wanna go and rob somebody to pay for the glass divider for my living room too.
I TAK BACA CLEO! (dah). Aku dah tak baca Cleo dah. Ok? I used too. Yes I contributed to all the cutting down of trees to make glossy lipstick ads and reduce the oxygen we are breathing in on silly rubbish. I was young. I am sorry.
Yan you know any sickly millionaire who wants to buy a kidney? Mine very good, pink color, never drink never do drugs…
err… don’t u think it’ll be kinder of u to give a picture of ur current setup? my brain is too clogged to imagine. 😛
kalau ada anak kecik memang bahaya kalau pakai glass as divider ni..kalau miki main lari2 tetiba trus je rempuh divider tu kan..susah fren anak dia rempuh sliding door tau..sian..but luckily minor injuries kat palm dia tp sliding mmg pecah la..lagi satu kalau pakai glass divider ni bila ada anak kecik, susah le nak maintain lawa glass tu..pasal budak2 ni mesti nak cop tapak tangan kat situ..hahaha..tu yang malas nak mengelap je kejenya nanti..(kalau aku ler)..
kay, ala.. whats so difficult? 19×14 kaki. if i bahagi dua; satu letak couch and TV, satu lagi bahagian nak letak apa? huhu
ps. dah pi kursus kawen?
when u said the patio to the little garden, did u mean the one u can find in odd lot? if yes, damn ur one lucky woman!
since im a the spa industry, my choice is the bamboo divider. u’d be surprised to know that u don’t need to sacrifice ur kidney for that. 😛 u can even cilok the wild buluh, sun it to let it ‘seasoned’. make a box just enough to make them stand and for a nice effect, get the small round lamps macam the one yg orang embed kat pavement tu and hide it inside the box so that the light will shine upward. lights tu i saw them in ikea.
but then again, have to still put into consideration that what ur going to do will be baby proof. kalau miki tak lasak, ok kot. i think it’s still better than the glass 🙂
p/s: nampaknya taun depan la kursusnya.
kay, what is an “odd lot”? sorry i dont know all this property jargon. im odd.
ps-tahun depan lg 3 minggu je…
belasah je,
mmg!!!!! Miki haritu lari2 langgar cermin kaca kat Sony Style. Berdentum benjol kepala. mmg susah la nak buat cun2 kalau ada anak kecik ni..
lupakan je lah kaca tu.. harga pun mahal aku rasa…
dia macam ada tanah skangkang kera ‘in’ the house. normally occurs kat houses yg termasuk dalam curve. ala2 ‘garden in the house’ gitu, if u can imagine it la.
kay, owh! indoor courtyard kinda thing yes? answer is no, i am not that lucky a woman, damn! mine is a double story link but corner lot that’s why altogether i have 2 sliding doors on ground floor and 1 more on first floor. (matilah nak beli langsir)
where is your spa?
I know one. But rather than let him buy your kidney, might as well I sell mine.
My house is as empty as a coffin without the mayat inside (ish).
The other day, I invited of of the neighbour’s mum (makcik yang datang dari kampung) to my house and she was like “hmmm kosong yea rumah kamu ni”
Ya ampunnnn. Rasa macam nak halau keluar pun ada. Tapi it is really empty. So I’ve spoken to hubby darling and covinced him that he doesn’t need to buy me gold when bonus comes out because I want him to take me shopping at Ikea hehe.
Things that we’d (women) do to decorate the house 😛
I think a heavy (and sealed to the wall and ceiling to avoid jauh atas Miki) book shelves will do the wonders for you 🙂
..meja snooker ka?! saya sgt suka! emm emm..saya boleh jadi model takpe, tak yah la Jean-Claude Van Damned..Uuu..uu.. =P kepeh kepeh kepeh
adoiii lawak la awk ni haahha
letak display kabinet between ruang tu pon ok..
tak letak pon ok..lagik luas ..senang pergerakan..
string curtain lawa gak …tp praktikal ke tak tu..kena pikir la jugak sbb ada budak kecik kan..nnt dia tarik2 pulak curtain tu
diyana buat lah 2 sets of living room. satu kalau makcik2 sedara dtg melawat boleh duduk sembang while the other one style ala lepak2 letak tv 42″ lcd with ps3 and nintendo wii ker… the younger generation bole lepak and gelak kukakiki
yan, y u need to sell your organ, all you need to do is dance!! dance to the old man! hahaha…
you should answer to that makcik like this ” Bila makcik nak mati ekk? boleh saya ambil perabot2 antik kat rumah makcik tu untuk isi rumah saya ni..” hahahahahha.. book shelf idea is great! thanks babe!!
nize, mu ingat mu ada rupa van damme kah? rupa mu lebih kepada batang kayu snooker itu sajorkk
ana, lawak ka?? manada lawak.. hang ni la… anyway string curtain tu dah pakai kat umah aku la ni dan dah cabut pun sebab budak tu duk buat tarzan… :p
thanks! you tau dak you are the only one that answer my question of apa nak buat kat bilik tu. heheh… tu la mungkin boleh letak day bed kat situ guling2 best kan..
tengok nak letak cermin kat tengah2 tu kan..teringat cerita yang psal Bug’s Life…sekali Miki tengah main2, lupa nak brek….terlanggar the kaca go kersplatttt!!!!!! like bug on a windshield..hahahahah
haiQals idea of a divider is a BIG HUGE ikea table with all his THOMAS & FRIENDS train set. sekian.
Oh tanteknya la rumah camni!!!! Kalau buat 2-way glass ok dok, ha? 1 side nmpk reflection, the other see-through – boleh la I feeling cam polis, intai org ikut bilik rahasia! 😛
for wallcovering ideas, feel free to visit my blog.. 🙂