Of phlegm and gas

We took Miki to the doctor on Saturday morning because he was coughing slightly with running nose and mild fever. It turned out that the fever was not so mild after all; his temperature was more than 38degrees. Funny how fine he was looking, no fussiness no spoilt appetite. The doctor detected some phlegm somewhere in his chest and prescribed him with a syrup for both coughing and phlegm. “The phlegm should come out through vomit”, he said, and that I should not worry if he suddenly barfs.

I thank the doctor and we left. Paid RM60 and collect the prescription.  Still I couldn’t understand why he couldn’t have given any other type of medicine that could instead make the phlegm gets out of the system through poop poop? Or fart? Or sweat? Or sound frequency from his consistently unstoppable speech?

Just why vomit? Why? Vomit means a change of fresh sheet in the middle of the night; possibilities of me getting drenched in baby milky throw up while I was wearing my nice baju; or worse BABY MILKY SOUR SLIMY AND SUPER DISGUSTING VOMIT IN MY HAIR!!! It has happened before ok?!! And I swear it was one thing about motherhood you’d definitely wanna forget! After e.p.i.s.i.o.t.o.m.y!

After we came back from the clinic, Azman rushed to help his friend getting some project done so I stayed home with Miki. As my tummy was spinning from soft gamelan to dangdut to Lady Gaga; I managed to trick Miki into doing his own business at the living room without screaming in panic “MUMMY, WHERE ARE YOUUUUU?” while indeed he was looking at me just 20 centimeters away from him in the kitchen.

I chopped chopped sliced sliced seasoned seasoned and clicked clicked the stove just to find that my cooking gas was nothing but humid November air. Arghhh!! I don’t wanna have the Bangla Gas Delivery guy coming over when my husband not around so urrhhh how was I gonna cook? Using the oven? You mean that thing can be used for cooking? Gee all these while I used it for balancing my kitchen’s feng shui energy.

Anyway Miki did threw up his phlegm in his sleep that night and Daddy did all the cleaning because he was still awake watching football besides Mummy had taken off her contacts and without those lenses she wouldn’t be able to distinguished between coconut and papaya;  how do you expect her to separate vomit from air liur basi?

Ps – Miki is fine, don’t worry.

Author: Diyana

5 thoughts on “Of phlegm and gas

  1. yaya.. miki ok, dia nakal seperti biasa…
    bani… ehhhh blah la lu. doktor tu sangat keji ok? alang2 menolong orang.. cuba la tolong betul2.. ni nak ubatkan budak tu tapi secara muntah2 pehalll?? aku tak cukup tidor tauuu

  2. aisyah had phlegm as well a couple of weeks back, and it lasted nearly a month. so tiap2 mlm, asal dia start coughing je, I would bgn dari tidor sepantas halilintar n cpt2 pick her up and tepuk2 blkg dia, up to the point that sometimes dia terus sedar n celik. like you, i dreaded the muntah dalam tidor, atas sbb ianya choking hazard dan jg isu laundry. dah la tebal2 duvet sini, pengsan la nak basuh selalu. i rather she just muntah atas me (byk kali berlaku, kira nya berjaya la my tactic hehe), and then i just basuh my baju n mandi, even at 3 a.m in the middle of winter hehe… sangguuppp…

    btw, your still very lucky sbb Dr still nak jumpa Miki and bg ubat. Dr kat sini siap ckp, (over the phone, x bg buat appointment pon), biar budak tu baik sendiri. tu yg dekat sebulan tu baru phelgm dia hilang… sabar je le

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