My Own Paradise on Earth

Paradise can come in many forms. It could be your spouse, your children or your elderly mother…

It could be that single rose in the garden or the cat that waits at the door…

It can mend a broken heart; it can take away your sorrow…
Do you know what could be your paradise?


Mine will celebrate his 2nd birthday in sixty days…

miki cute

He loves to make really cheeky faces…

a lot of teeth

And my paradise has a lot of teeth already! 🙂

Life is short, make it sweet… Mummy loves you son!

Author: Diyana

8 thoughts on “My Own Paradise on Earth

  1. miki dh besar….cpt tol masa berlalu…’life is really so short lah~~….ikhwan pun membesar dgn pantasnyeeee…huhuhu…anak2 dh besar…mak2nye makin le tua lah yer…ehehe….

  2. yatie, itulah.. semalam ada pembaca blog msg aku… dia kata dah dekat birthday Miki nak kasi hadiah.. baru aku perasan Miki dah nak 2 tahun dah.. aku rasa dia baby je lagi… huhuhu.. tua dah aku… dah nak 30 dah… uhuk huk (batuk org tua sambil pegang pinggang)

  3. “semalam ada pembaca blog msg aku” –> hahahaha
    tu la kan, tengok miki membesar depan mata aku (wpun melalui komputer aja), terasa cepat masa berlalu.. *can’t wait for cimiki’s birthday*
    p/s:weihh, hang send kat email hat dlm ni naa ..

  4. ah fan, seb baik aku kata “ada pembaca blog”… kalau aku kata “ada pompuan meroyan”? hhehhehehhe
    sat aku kena korek balik mana aku simpan gambaq tu tah… hehehe

  5. Salam Diyana,

    erm. mana mau start ek? anyway been reading ur blog ‘silently’. sbb berazam nak baca dr awal sampai latest, baru nk leave a comment (itu mmg habit saya bila jumpe blog baru yg saya rasa menarik:)).

    anyway, i’m UM undergrad too. we’re in the same fac & year, only that i took diff course. i think we might hv crossed each other paths time makan ikan keli panggang kat cafe FSKTM, or exhange the occasional smiles and hi’s. 😉

    anyway, salam perkenalan semula. and keep posting.

    p/s: miki is a beautiful child indeed. 🙂

  6. Waalaikumsalam Syana!
    Jenuh i bukak blog you cari gambar. Hey I remember you very well! how nice to meet you again! where do you work now?
    ye lah kita biasa makan sama2 kat cafe dulu. amik satu paper sama2 pun ada kot?!
    thanks for reading my blog. sonok la jumpa kawan lama.. 🙂
    ps- miki beautiful child tapi perangai nakal pun sama naik.. hehe

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