SpongeMiki DiaperPants – All in a Sunday

9.00 am – Breakfast at Mamak’s. We sat down, I told the Mamak I want teh tarik! Azman decided to drink the same thing.. “Samalah! The Tarik!” and then kedengaran suara kecik berkumandang “Teh Tarik!!” Ladies and gentlemen, my one year and five months old baby just ordered a teh tarik. Azman and I was dumbfounded. The Mamak laughed! A man that sat on the next table turned around with delight and laughed too. He was so amazed hearing a little voice asking for such a grown up drink! He even asked Miki’s age and share his amazement with his friends.

12.00pm – At home. Miki has broke the safety gate (yes he did!) and followed me into the kitchen. I was doing the dishes when he reached up the counter for the plastic soap bottle. While it was still in his grip, the bottle came flying down because of its weight and Miki said “Owh, berat!” Again I was dumbfounded. Never teach him the word “berat” or heavy before. And he applied the adjective exactly at the right circumstance. I was so proud of that kid! He must pick it up from the babysitter’s.

1.00pm – In our room with Miki and his Dad. Changing Miki’s clothes and decided to introduce him to Hide and Seek. I closed my eyes and count to ten, then I pretended that I can’t find him though he was right there in front of us. His eyes were wide with anticipation and he was giggling excitedly. Both Azman and I were going “Mana Miki? Miki hilang! Oh oh!” we looked around, under the covers and behind the door before we finally looked at him and yelled “Oh ini Miki!” We repeated that once again and right after that Miki quickly covered his own eyes and counted “two, five, six, ten!”  I was so giddily surprised! Not at his counting but at him picking the rule of the game. That’s quick! I hid behind the door and Miki of course couldn’t find me! He was spinning around the room saying “Takde! Takde!” and shaking his hands. Then with Azman’s help he finally found me and he yelled happily “ Ni Mummy!!”

I just had my first Hide and Seek with my baby, guys! My kiddo is doing so well and I felt so happy!  Now Hide and Seek is his fave game though he is a better seeker than a hider. He cannot contain the anticipation for us to find him, so he would always jump out and expose his hiding, with that face that shines with hilarity and excitement; he would point both forefingers to his chest and say “Ni Miki!” That is in my heart colorful pieces of happiness and love, blended together into this melting hot bliss!! All these while Miki has never really say his name except when he declares some things “ Miki punya!” But he says it very pelat-ly until the Hide and Seek game. I am so happy!

4.00pm – We were watching TV and Miki was rummaging through some stuff on the coffee table and found our Karaoke microphone. He said “Nyanyi!” before he proceed singing his gibberish song on the mike. Azman and I exchanged surprised glances. Miki has always knew that microphone is for singing and he loves ‘singing along’ songs too but we have never taught him the word “nyanyi” per se. He must picked it up while we speak!

5.00pm – Went to Bukit Jalil park for a walk. What was meant to be a simple walk in the park turned out to be a vigorous work out especially for Daddy thanks to his little boy! Daddy had to chaperone Miki climbed 153 (yes he counted) steps nonstop. He fell face down at 30th step and his lip bleed! We thought okay now he should be quitting but nope. The moment I cleaned his scratched upper lip, he leaped and again they went up climbing the steps on the hill while lazy bum Mummy waited down the hill patiently. Azman said he coaxed Miki to stop and lets go down but Miki kept replying “ Nak lagi!” and continue climbing. Tsk tsk! Nak panjat Gunung Everest kah anakku ini?

diyanazman baby

Swollen upper lip

handsome devil

Handsome like Daddy

Father and Son

153 steps up 153 steps down

When he was done with the steps climbing, he ran the entire track at the park. When we thought he was already tired he proceed running to the playground and attacked of all things –  the monkey bar. He tried really hard to climb high but of course legs are not long enough. Haha! He is not even a year a half yet, for goodness sake! He picked fight with the boys but stare so mata keranjang-ly at pretty girls his age. Especially those in pink! Mummy slapped her forehead. He got a scratch on his nose, didn’t know who did it and another little cut on a finger. All cuts he calls boo-boo! Super cute!

little romeo

Mik digs chics in pink


7.00pm – Arrived home hoping Miki would be tired and rest. But he was still energetic and jumping around. He tried to jump in our door instead of walking and landed on his shin! Ouch! There went another boo-boo! Cried a little bit before proceed playing until half past one in the morning. I repeat half past one.

Miki surprises us with the new things that he learns and picks up from his environment on daily basis. I have new nick name for him – SPONGEmiki DIAPERpants. Because just like other kids his age, this boy is absorbing lessons like a sponge.

All these and many more thrilling surprises Miki had in store for us in just one Sunday. ONE DAY that we spent full time with him. Though I am very much proud and pleased with my little boy I realize that there are so much that I missed while I was at work. I leave the house at 7 plus in the morning and come back 12 hours later. I am so missing out!

Now here I am blogging while he is dancing to Barney. I am gonna go and hug him now.

Author: Diyana

16 thoughts on “SpongeMiki DiaperPants – All in a Sunday

  1. miki so smart! vocab also so canggih. are u sure he picked those words up at the babysitter’s? and not from his mom’s pot-pet-pot-pet? LOL!

  2. essentric, gosh! now that u have point it out.. i really need to stop reciting my poem of obscenities everytime those motorcyclist was swirling around my car!! damn!
    by the way, i wanna recommend you to one blog contest, sure win wan… i get back to ya later.. :p
    anne, i thougth of jotting down his vocab from the day the started talking until he was two or so but by the time he was a year and 2 months i lost track… too many words… too potpetpotpet…. haha

  3. this blog helped me a lot. At times i feel all alone tak tau nak buat apa being a first time mother, pantang pun sorang2 takde orang nak jaga..
    and works is like shit…u worked here before kan D….so kalau stress, kalau free nilah blog kesayangan I
    macam I sayang kat Miki…hahah
    BTW: sapa tu minah baju pink? rambut dia cantik siuttttt…!!!

  4. essentric, you call that one SURE WIN??? * pengsan

    guys please gimme a thumb up at my MTV post ok?

  5. caya la miki… dah banyak vocab..lepas ni miki kena pandai cakap macam ni kat mummy…..” MUMMY, MIKI NAK BABY! ” ha ha ha oh ya..kenapa rate makin turun, masa akak vote dulu 87%….

  6. Mel, I posted the link in my FB, please vote for me ok?
    Kak Chuain… ada orang dengki kat saya!!! Huaaa!!! Depa duk rate saya -ve!! huaaa!huaaa!!!

  7. Mel… hahahahha budak baju pink tu tatau la anak sapa. mmg kiut sangat.tu yg miki duk tenung tak kelip mata….. yeah i know how working in that place is. bukan ko pun penah marah aku ke? muahahahahahahahaa!!!!!
    ayaq, thankiuuu!
    eintanz, i suka sangat pakaikan budak tu baju style orang tua… muahahaha!!!

  8. miki makin pot pet pot pet (mcm mummy le)..
    dh besa makin ensem le miki 🙂
    video itu *geleng kepala* hahahahhaaaa…

  9. alah…i tak kisah Miki madukan Maya…hahaha..
    ha ah tempat ni stress sesangat sebab kita dengan orang lain, lain kaler, lain bahasa kan..kita jawa..depa cina….tu yang dulu asyik marah semua orang…me against the world..tapi sekarang trim down…cuma kalau i tenung orang dengan tajam..mereka sudah tau..oo oooh..ahaks!

    dan dengan ini…semua penduduk kampung menjadi saksi maksi


    Semoga Tuhan membalas daku..amin…

    Oh yeah…i definitely will tell others to vote for u..!! 🙂

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