Ibu Bapa Yang Keji

As I looked at this photo for the first time after it was taken, I had thought of something peculiar. OMG! That woman looks so much like Miki! And she was me.
mummy and baby

This is the video that proves how wicked Miki’s dad can be. He purposely asked me to record his generosity of sharing his Coke with the baby so that we can have his funny facial expression on soft copy. Not that I have anything against that. Hehe!

Miki loves to watch photos and videos of himself. When he looks at this one, he keeps saying ” Wow, minum!! Pedas! Pedass! Tak sedap!” as the video is playing. I think he is trying to explain the story back to us. Funny that he says the Coke is pedas (spicy) though… I don’t know how to describe its taste either.. 🙂

Love u Miki!!

Author: Diyana

17 thoughts on “Ibu Bapa Yang Keji

  1. serius tak tahan tgk miki. i watched this video four times ok. twice tgk miki, twice lagi tgk lengchai kat belakang tu makan ape ntah yg sedap sangat

  2. Oh, you and Miki mmg look alike. And….. Gelak ok, tgk muka Miki (although dlm hati I cannot tahan with Bani’s comment). LOL

  3. mimielola, komen bani itu sangat cliche. you know, ‘terbawak-perangai-kampungannnya-Tuhan-saja-boleh-balas’ kinda statement… hehehe… semoga tuhan membalas bani!
    Anne, anda sungguh tidak boleh melihat lelaki berdahi licin! That’s a japanese dude. He was eating Japanese beef rice, same with what I was eating.. ehehe

  4. emma… hang ni memang lawak la! mana boleh blog tak suka orang! orang tak suka blog bolehla… hhahahaha
    dona, sangat kesian anakku mempunyai 6 gigi depan dan satu gigi molar sahaja. tapi gigit orang sangat sakit ok!

  5. hey, you know what…Ashley finds coke pedas too. guess that’s the way the kids describe the fizzy feeling 😀 thanks for your comment in my blog today. i am still very disappointed. i’ll be talking to the teacher when i see her tomorrow. the school is off today 🙂

  6. whoaa baekk nyer sedut. i know how he feels coz i tak reti minum coke as well. mesti jadi cam muka miki gak. kesian miki..pedaskan..

  7. ala tak minum air berkarbonat tak semestinya takleh jadi autobots. hish bani ni. wa tak reti la…susah nak telan. tengok muka miki tuh…cam tu la wa nyer muka kalau menyom

  8. miki=fotostat muka diyana..
    tgk muka miki sgt kelaka minum coke..coke ‘pedas’ ke miki..hahahahaaa…

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