Ever since my kid was only a couple of months old I have been getting many questions from my friends and blog readers on how I jaga badan or maintain my figure after childbirth. Somehow they think I am very slim and they want to be like me.
My standard answer is another question. “Are you sure you want to be like me?”
Ladies and gentlemen, especially those who know me from the blog, you might want to consider the fact that you have been seeing me in photos. And still photos are big fat liars. No, my pictures have not been edited or anything, you can still see my black heads in the size of Miki’s eyeballs on my nose. It is just that in pictures you can’t see me walk. And when you can’t see me walk, you don’t know how much I resemble a walking “palo del mapo”. No that is not how you describe Rihanna in Cuban; it means the sexy wooden holder of a mop. Batang mop. Faham? You also couldn’t tell that I lack valuable assets if I don’t tell you now. The truth is I am a big fat LOSER in the RARE department. Do you know that I have always wanted to slap Fergie every time she sings My Hump?
I figured by telling this they would realize that I am bad choice of a jaga badan mentor. But most of the times they still insist to know how I’d done it out of curiosity. The answer is very simple.
If you have been hanging around me you would notice that I eat like an oink oink. I eat A LOT. The truth is I only eat a lot when the food have been scrutinized and approved as exceptional by the distinguished panels of my ridiculously critical taste buds. I ONLY EAT DELICIOUS FOOD. I CANNOT AND I DO NOT FORCE MYSELF TO FINISH FOOD THAT MY TASTE BUDS CLASSIFY AS YUCKY.
I believe because of that, I don’t over eat. Because I don’t over eat, I don’t over bulge. I helps also that I happen to be one of those that loses weight easily. I can lose 2-3 kilo just because I don’t get enough sleep of 2-3 nights.
That is on diet. On past-natal care, it is a complicated story.
How many of us have heard “My mom says I must not drink so much water during my post-natal confinement but that’s not what my doctor says!”
In my case, I’d say sekeru what the doctor are saying AND I AM PANTANGING!!!
Right after birth of Miki I automatically launched my low fluid diet and get on the jamu ( traditional herbal supplement). The jamu stopped after Miki contracted breastfeeding jaundice. I cut a big percentage of my drinking water intake during my confinement because that was how my mom and grandmothers did it. Ate a whole lot of ginger and turmeric, bathe in herbal water and I amazingly bertungku twice a day for 45 days. I drank strictly hot drinks only.
I pantang-ed on a lot of food, some I have lost my interest to eat them until now like guava and young coconut juice. I drank cold drinks after 3-4 months and carbonated sodas slightly later than that.
What I DID NOT do was WEAR A BENGKUNG (tummy binder). I was too uncomfortable for me and I found it difficult to bend and pick up my baby. I also didn’t wear the herbal masks (pupur or something they call it) and I also didn’t use PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL. Hahahahahahaha!!
I write this because many have asked and because I want to share. I am not saying my pantang regime is the right way or the best way to get your pre-baby body back and because it has worked for me, it doesn’t mean that it will work for you. Many beautiful women I know did not pantang at all and yet they are very slim and hot!
I on the other hand, opted for this strict pantang diet during my confinement despite being contradictive with modern medical practices due to my fear of prolapse of the uterus. Pantang is method used for centuries by the Malays to prevent such tragic end to a womanhood.
Kalau dah jatuh peranakan ko bawak kereta BMW 3.20i ke, C200 ke, bawak beg LV ke, PRADA ke, muka ko cantek macam Megan Fox ke….. TAK ADA GUNANYA Y’ALL!!!! Mintak simpang!! Marilah kita bersama-sama menjaga badan! Toodles!
xyah la cite pasal time pantang ye.. sbb rasanya i dulu pun mkn mcm biasa je… 3times a day.. in between, ada la fruits jugak..
now, every morning (kekadang je miss) i ate nasi lemak as my breakfast… lunch kalau x mkn, mmg i lapaq giler… mlm pun mkn jugak.. kekadang heavy, kekadang light (err roti canai tu heavy ke?) lalala..
so… apekah i nie mcm u? hehe..
ps.. awat xdak org puji i pungggggggg.. btw, i geram tgk org2 petite mcm u nie.. rasa nak picit2, sbb comel.. hehe
emma, mak saya dulu tak bagi makan fruits and vegetables langsung. boleh gitu?! makan banyak kali sehari tapi lauk orang dalam pantang SANGAT TAK SEDAP! Buekkk…. sekarang pun I pantang lagi.. heheh PANTANG JUMPA!! Semua telan! hahahaha.. manada comel, macam mop adalah! hahaha
hoho.. i dulu suke mkn epal fiji (yg besar tu), & oren.. sbb fobia, i xleh beri2 3hari lepas bsalinkan ryan..
kenapa aku dapat merasakan Bani akan menokok nasi tambah kat pernyataan aku adalah mop?
ROTFL!!!!! I think it’s in your genes, Diyana. You are one hot mama 😉
akak mmg CUTE dari kecik! mak cakap masa kecik akak 4 kilo masa kuar tu..sampaikan cousin akak pernah cakap..”chuain, masa akak kecik, nko beso, bila akak beso, nko laaaagi beso! mcmn tuh? pernah sekali kat shopping complex kat penang konon naik la weighing scale machine konon nak tau la balance ke idak, kan? naik je tak sampai 10 seconds pun tiba2 benda alah tu menjerit….!!! YOU ARE FAT!(3x) Bengang dan malu giler!!!tobat tak nak naik dah! terasa hati kat machine tuh! dan hingga skrg mmg tak panjat dah benda tuh! lebih 12 tahun berlalu……
Diyana…akak dulu memang menjaga pantang…makan..dan berbengkung hingga 40 hari…bertungku pun 40 hari…rambut diikat tinggi dengan param di kepala…adoiii lemas tau…
Tapi alhamdulillah…hingga sekarang dah hampir 50…belum ada lagi penyakit sengal2 dtg…
So…jangan lupa jaga badan
waaaaaaaa.. patut la selim-melim.. time my confinement.. was similar to urs except i minum air mcm biasa n everyday i minum oatmeal+milo.. hahah.. siap bw satu team weatameel jacobs tu masuk bilik coz lapar bfeed tgh2 mlm buta! 😛
nasib baik org tua ku tiada(went for hajj), so takle nk sound. it was my aunt yg took care of me time confinement.. hehehhe..
mamma emma!! harlowwwwww… u tu pon selim-melim giler okaaaaaayyy!!! Mkn byk pon no hal!
alamak.. bukan team weatameel tp tin ek 😛
Deee..aku phm sgt222222….aku lega confinement dah berakhir..
Beranak ok..tapi pantang aku sungguh fobia..fobia cos aku jenis melantak air bukan reti seteguk 2..sekali seliter pun aku leh habis..
SAtu lagi mengurut…itu pun aku fobia!!Esp part2 peranakan tu..mak oiii sakitnya masa diurut..
Ape2 pun..aku sgt lega aku dah habis pantang..Sgt sgt sgt lega…Tempoh berpantang adalah tempoh yang paling aku benci sepanjang hidup di dunia ni…arrggghh..
Btw..mmg hang tak mcm kayu mop lansung….dasyat ooo muat jeans size 24 walaupun dah ada anak…dulu dan skang…maintain size 24…
huh?! nk tny, masa u kuar hspital lps bsalin u pakai bj ape eh? nk prepare for my time plak nih.. x tau nk pack bwk brg ape masuk hspital nnti.. mak aku suruh stick to kain batik lps bsalin… any idea WHAT THAT IS???? hehe
to fatin: u pun slim jugak watttttttttttt… i nie jeles dgn diyana nie… jean size 24.. grrrr… i 28… mencikkkkkkkk
mommy to chumsy, hehehe.. why u laughing? i thought this post very serious wan.. ehehehhe… thanks…
Chuain, apsal akak tak karate je mesin yg mulut celupar itu? ehhehe… kak chuain “cute” pon takpe sebab gebu,lawa ala2 shu qie… tu yg dapat tangkap shah rukh khan tu.. heheheh
Kak Anie, wahhh.. saya mmg nak jadi sihat aktif cam kak anie.. bagusla! saya mmg pantang bukan sebab nak kurus tapi nak sihat especiallly di kemudian hari. kalau badan berisi lepas beranak apa salahnya… dah sah sah BERANAK!!! ehhehe thanks kak anie!!!
Fatin, i tak lapar sangat masa breastfeed tetapi haus tahap kering tekak giler2… and I curi2 minum air dengan rasa bersalah. but warm water la.
but then again, all that pantang is not for slimming but for general health and well being. Yang kurus cepat tu sebab breast feed rasanya.. kan? kan? kan?
Yas, hang la rakan sepantang aku. mmg sakit la masa urut. la ni hang makan jamu tak? aku rasa cam bersalah sebab tak makan… huhu
emma, i rasa u lagi kurus dari I la… ehehe. like I said before, pantang is not for kurus, I think chubby sket lagi lawa ler… but pantang for kesihatan. 🙂
Curios, masa i balik hospital I pakai kain batik. U taktau kain batik tu apa?? haaa you tengok Indon buat babywearing tu la kain batik. ops.
kain batik tu paling selesa pakai masa sehari dua after delivery. then I wore pants. hehehe
1st time commenting….interesting topic laa
ya ampunn…mmg bpantang itu adelah siksaaa, brape byk urat rosak,urat sakit yg nenek tukang urut tu bgtau aku hukhuk…but anyway berurut best jgk sbb urut susu pon ade & mbantu menambah bekalan…
branak mmg ok sbbnye…thx to incik epi hihihi
berpantang plak…so sad sbb lepas bsalin until now x pnh consume any jamu huhu becoz MIL x bg…alasan…nnt cucu kesayangan sakit…thats what modern practitioners are all about…time die dulu pandai plak minum ubat periuk…huhuhu..tekanan2…
berbengkung..i did..bertungku…also did…param x…mandi herba yes…
minum byk air & mkn buah2 sbb ssh nk b.o huhuhu….even until now ade prob nk b.o dgn aman & syiokkk hihihi…ade nk rekemen any food x to help with this huhu….
if anything happen to me later on u guys know y huhu…bcoz i didnt mkn jamu huhuhu blame it on *** hahahah
eh lupe to share… ms nk check out..i wear jubah berzip..senang seghelom aje… & bile nk feed bb unzip aje…provided that ade pakai shawl ke ape ke la for those yg x btudung kan…kang freeshow plak hihihi
mommy to izz, ehehehe… seperti kukenal ya baby izz zaffran ini… hehe! my beranak was a happy-happy one also thanks to Akak Epi.. muahah!
babe, you tak makan jamu takpe, sebab you can start makan lambat when baby is bigger and free of jaundice. But myself and also yasmin mmg strictly less water diet la ikut orang tua2 (Yasmin lagi strict dari aku). constipation you can try to eat prune. and later2 makan la jamu tu balik..:)
aah! bfeed for me was the major contribution for the kurus-ing part!
mama emma,
u n diyana are borned with genes to b selim-melim forever under any circumstances okaayyyy.. jeles..jeles..
mokcik! bersusah payah 3-4 kali i tinggal komen kat food porn post you, tapi couldn;t go through ntah aper sal..
anyway, i nak cakap ni ha… ‘oiiii diyana, you jangan main2 ngan premium beautiful pulak, karang ade pro-PBs crash your website and cakap you kampung, baru tau… hehhehe..semoga tuhan je membalas diyana..’ hahahahahhahahhaahhaha
sapekah akak epi itu?! mintak linknya plsss…
curious, ko nih laki ke pompuan? akak epi tu EPIDURAL lahhhh! hahahahhaha!!! so funny!
Hahahahaha! Premium Beautiful? BMW? LV? Do I think I *know* who you’re referring to? LOL!
Anyhow, just like you, my mom was very strict during my pantang days too – just like my late grandma. Low fluid intake, take those herbal stuff (couldn’t telan jamu, so I took the Amway pills punya), wore bengkung, did tungku, letak herbal masklah, mandi air bunga, pakai socks, ikat rambut ketat-ketat and macam-macamlah. And oh, I had c-sect so I basically was eating 2 ekor ikan haruan for a full month before I complained to my grandma that I’d rather starve than to have anymore of that ikan!
Nadia, ya ampuns… pls don’t speculate…hahahaha! you are gonna get me into so much trouble girl!!!!
hehehe… i am not referring to anybody ok!!! hehehehe
oh i cannot believe you are into pantang as well… i thought only kampung people like me only pantang.. hehehehe…
Diyana, orang kampung je pantang? Errrr.. mana dapat statement tu? Lantaklah orang kampung ke, bandar ke, I don’t want to jadi macam my mil – konon2 tak cool to pantang, now at 50 she sakit-sakit everywhere. 😛
nadia! you rock! hehehe… lets all pantang for our own health! 🙂 cheers!!
that orang kampung statement is cliche in my blog… hehehe… you say it to everything…
Diyana, nice to hear org muda mcm u masih kuat berpantang. Kalau dah gene slim, makan apapun badan tak nak naik…ok la tu.. Akak masa deliver first baby, sibuk jugak berpantang, berurut, bertungku…Dah anak ketiga, I realised that I’ve just given birth….tapi nak berpantang macam orang sakit rasa sangat malas. Dah badan tak sakit, berpantang tinggal kat belakang la…Sekarang baru kurasa sengal2 badan, asyik le sakit kepala tak habih2… Padan Muka…
Anyway, betul jugak kata orang2 tua tu. Perlu berpantang to maintain our health..So continue to pantang for your next babies…
sedap kan main
ikan itu comel ngat
Kak Diyana..
TQVM sbb share dgn kami abt this
dah print out untuk rujukan tetap masa berpantang 🙂
nk pantang camne ni.. org tua dah takde.. ni tgh tggu nk bsalin. ape yg bleh mkn ape yg xbleh mkn.. pastu kene wat ape lagi.. keliru.. suami pun bkn tahu sgt bab2 ni.. nk kene mkn jamu ape.. ade sape2 yg bleh tlg bagitau tak?
Shida, yg dibawah ni pantang cara saya…
Yang jangan:-
– jangan makan buah-buahan kecuali limau sunkist sebiji sehari
– jangan minum ais selama yang mungkin
– jangan minum air banyak sangat
– jangan makan makanan yg gatal macam ayam, seafood sebab badan ibu ada luka jahit etc
– jangan makan jamu immediately kalau breastfeed baby, nanti baby kena breastfeeding jaundice
– jangan lupa makan supplement multivitamins etc dengan mengikut arahan doktor
you know what.. i will write reply this is an entry…