On 17 May 2009, Miki turns 1 year and 4 months old. A terribly short time for him to learn to be so banyak akal but he managed to be such a pro at that!
At the babysitter’s he is known as Miki the little boy that likes to crack jokes or Miki budak suka buat lawak because he sure can make people laugh with his antics!
Happy 16 mo birthday kid! Mummy and Daddy loves you…
mak dan paknya juga pandai buat lawak. lawak ngeri dan menyeramkan
Ala miki tomellion 🙂
lawak ngeri & menyeramkan?!!…sila bagi contoh bani?! =P kepeh kepeh kepeh
lawak ngeri dan seram adalah kisah bani kentut di dalam lif. sila korek archive blog ini. tq
miki dah tumbuh gigi banyak!!
itu gigi telah 6 batang semenjak 12 bulan selepas ittew tiada perkembangan.. huaaaa…!
hahahhaahhaa…..very cute and cheeky. i like his 2 bottom teeth “D
tips for baby tumbuh gigi. bagi dia makan calciyum (obviously i hv no idea how to spell that thing!). i gave adam those thing and new gigi keep popping up! by the time he’s one years old, adam ade 16 gigi.
pro: little tiny pearl white gigi is very cute to look at.
cons: err.. not so great for breastfeeding mummies… ouch!
miki..sangat kelaka..dan sangat over..hahahhaaaaaa…happy 16 mo bday miki..muahmuah..
dmj, thanks for the tips. i pun dah lama tak bg Miki calciyum (aku pon tatau eja daaa)… tapi takpelah gigi lambat naik coz now we are teaching him to brush his teeth properly with toothpaste and berkumur2 afterwards… any tips on that?
Mommy to Chumsy, thanks… dunno when the teeth will grow some more.. ehhehe
Ina… ya betul, Miki mmg sangat ober..
ermm..ingat lagi masa mula2 baca blog ni..tak silap masa kenduri akikah dan berendoi miki…sejak itu sampai sekarang follow blog ni..tak sangka dah besar miki ni… jadi anak yang baik ye miki!
cute cute cute CUUUUUTTEEE!!! nak cubit his cheeks!! kak di, so nolstagic-nya.. a few years back, we are laughing over van damn, now i am drooling over ur cute baby! 🙂
CJ, hahahaha… thanks CJ, yes seems like just yesterday we were hanging out with the band and now I am a mom with a kid and old and makcik-makcik… hahaha
Chuain, Amin!!!! semoga miki jadi budak baik! 🙂