The last time I rode on a bike was when I was in my first or second year in UM. I didn’t actually drive the thing but was only sitting at the back while my friend Maizirah drove her bike. Once we were going up First Residential College, near the corner around the studio on block A (is it Block A?) when we bump face to face or rather tyre to bumper with a white Proton Saga. I didn’t know where Maizirah had flown off but in a split seconds I was sprawled on the car’s front hood, tummy down, hands and legs wide apart. Like a very skinny starfish dried on the sand, or like a cicak sunbathing under the hot sun. I cannot remember if I had a helmet on or not but I suffered no injuries and Mai had scraped her knee. The car’s bumper part had fallen off totally. We were two very strong ladies.
During raya recently I rode on a bike again. It was my first time after the 1st College accident and Azman’s first in 7 or 8 years. We even took our baby son too. All three of us without helmets on. But for goodness sake IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!
From my mother’s house we rode around the block, then along the beach, then back to a couple of rounds at the neighborhood before heading home… We even rode pass the Police Station! Pahhh.. no police gonna fine us for not wearing helmets or anthing… This is my kampung ok! Miki is like Samseng Kampung Dusun, wa cakap lu!
Half way through the samseng kampung had fallen asleep in my arms. Must be the cool ocean breeze plus the warm motor smoke. We should do this more often, anytime Miki refuses to go to sleep, we will be going on a Rempik Ride…
keh keh keh..cimiki seperti mabuk menaiki motorsikal!! =P
hahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaa…aku dapat membayangkan keadaan hang terlangkup hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
rumah besar kat depan tu umah pak japaq ka?! =P
tu la rumah buat hati si shanu si murugan tu
agaknye pak japaq skodeng shanu melalui tingkap kat tingkat atas tu..!siap teropong lagi.. =P
Babe, I pun pernah terlangkup during my Uni days. Lg best, ada org himpap I kat belakang tau!! *Gedebuks* Adoii senak perut I masa tu.
cimiki blum try lagi rempit dgn KW939. kalu rempit dgn KW..cimiki mesti tak tido!!..tapi kalu rempit dgn DJ8152…lagi la cimiki tu lelap…sbb moto berayun macam buai!..kepehkepeh…mau race ka DJ ??ada berani?
keh keh keh..DJ8152 itu adalah sejarah cup prix terunggul! =P
tau tak kuih raya kegemaran mat rempit? kuih itu adalah REMpeyek har har har har
Nize, bukan tu rumah Pak Akob, rumah Pak Ja’paq kat belakang dengan kucing2 nya…
Mimielola, ish ish! you ni drama queen sungguh! :p
Bani, bukan rempeyek la.. Tempeyek.. ko ni selalu pelat!
Itu hang tak dengaq lagi cerita aku accident dalam LRT! lagi dasyat!… I was wearing red baju kebaya that day but i changed prior to going merempit.. hehehe.. else I would have join the two guys BORIA!!
rempeyek nama moden la…tempeyek nama tradisional laaa….
comeynye miki 🙂
comey lagi miki punya god father which is me har har har
ina, thank you!
Ban Ban, pooodahhh! God Father mendenye baru dukung miki selama 13 saat dah tak larat, alasan – Miki tak duk diam!!
sapa soh miki tak leh dok diam…pastu air lioq meleleh. ingat baju aku towel ka?
ha ha ha..aku jugak dukung cimiki bertahan selama 15 minit!! =P
Fuiyoo… samseng kampung dusun junior!
weii.. jangan ahhh rempitkan budak yg comei itu!! n awat tak pakai helmet.. bahaya tau tak? 😛
hahahahaahahha…what a cute family 😀 i like the photos of miki asleep on the bike 😀
siap tidoq lagi tu…
mesti azman chan bawak dgn penuh kesopanan
teringat pulak time aku etrlelap ataih bike kat gym huhu
comel la anak n bapak pakai baju sama..
ala diyana… you should’ve been wearing something stripey jugak.. barula jelas kerempitan kalian sekeluarga.. hehe… so cute… 😉