The Father of My Child

“ Azman, I want our baby to call me Mak or Mama or Mummy okay?”

“ Sure, she will call me Ayah”

“ Ayah is too oldskool la… I like Papa…”

“ But Papa means poor! Can you imagine for the 40th times the baby calls my name, we’d be poor for sure! Tsk tsk tsk”

“ Before I vomit blood with your superstitions, fine! We let her call you Abah”

“ Abah? Noooooo! Bah sounds fat! That name makes me feel fat!”

“ I cannot believe this…”

Author: Diyana

34 thoughts on “The Father of My Child

  1. asroll and atie,
    cant determine the baby’s sex yet la… aku saja ja la… eheheh!

    you mean Uncle Brat?!

  2. i call my dad-babah. my arwah mak-emak, my step mom-mama. sepupu-sepupu aku yg lebih tua atau sebaya panggil aku-Ben. sepupu aku yg kecik dari aku, panggil aku abg ben dan yg kat kampung panggil aku abg chik. aku nak anak hang panggil aku ‘abang’.

  3. Just dont let your child call u Azman…. Muahahaha ha ha ha ha… My son call me Ahah.. , … Uk Uk … , .. Atteh.. , ..Uhuhh.. he he he… by the way he’s only 1 yr 8 mths… Relax Chiput… Apa apa pun nak jadi bapa mmg mcm tu… Yg Pasti kita kena nasihatkan NIZE supaya cepat KAWIN!!!! jgn bazirkan *&*&**&^%$

  4. ha? don’t they all mean the same thing? mom, mak, mummy, mami or dad, papa, ayah, abah, pops..

    u might be able to control what she calls u till a certain age – after that, they decide what they wanna call u.

    i think ‘pops’ sounds fatter than ‘abah’ !

    eh, post lah pictures of the tummy’s expansion. muahaha. and pregnant mothers apparently glow – nak tengok how glow-y u are, haha!

  5. mm…bunyi arab!! walid… gak tu..keh keh keh
    tp si rena tu nak beranak ke!?? hu hu hu..panas eh.. :sinchan: kepeh2 8x kelipan mata

  6. it reminds me of a friend’s sister (12 yrs old) who calls the mother “Nyai hak” and the father “Nyai huk”. where these names came from, don’t ask me. she doesn’t know neither.

    anyway, these kinda small talks make the pregnancy interesting, aight?

  7. there was a time when my doter called me & wife “kakak” becoz at nursery yg jaga dia sumer kakak2…now dah paham dah…daddy & mommy!

  8. Doreen,
    U know in Malay we have this word papa that means poor, you know like “miskin papa kedana”.. hehehe
    as for my tummy… its expending very slowly…sometimes i wonder if im really pregnant… and unlike other mothers, i dont glow… i just blow. 😛 i mean my face is all puffed up and chubby… huhuhu

    Kak Iena,
    Azman mmg gedix camtu… ehehe

    “Nyai Hak” and “Nyai Huk”?? dia orang Mongolia ke apa? eeheheh..
    but thats cute la..

    Mmg skrg pon aku dah panggil Azman ” Paknye.. ooo Paknye… tolong angkat kain jemuran, hujan dah turun…” 😛

  9. Apeks,
    U know what that means or not??? Its clearly saying that you are not spending enough time with your daughter, sampai dia tengok muka you pun teringat kakak nursery dia… 😛

  10. hmmm…panggil Daddy jer lah…kalu tuh pon ader supersticious…dah tak dapek den nak nolong lagi dah….. 😛

  11. spend time at nite lah…keje kan…actually, masa tuh dia tgh blaja ckp…so, bila dia dgr kekwn dia panggil kakak kt nursery, dia ingat thats the way to call ppl la kut…i bkn warung kopi pny daddy/husband lah…

  12. ask him/her to call u both ‘cikgu’. kids respect cikgu more than anyone. cikgu besar’s better!

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