Throughout our stay in Los Angeles, Azman didn’t tell me where he booked our stay in Las Vegas, which was our next destination in the USA vacation. So it was a really awesome surprise when finally told me that we were staying in HARD ROCK HOTEL & CASINO, Las Vegas! I was really thrilled! I had never stayed in Hard Rock Hotel, not even the one in Penang, my hometown.
So yay! Our first HR Hotel stay was in Vegas, how cool was that? Cool, yes! and awkward! haha… because that rocking hotel was also one of the hottest casino in the Sin City. ( Matilah kena panahan lidah ustajah-ustajah dan ustat-ustat Facebook… hahaha)
Once we entered the hotel, I really felt awkward… LOL! Imagine pushing a stroller with a baby in it… and another child of 6 years old running along side you, walking into the hotel lobby, that was entirely a casino!
Come on, of course I had never been to a casino before.. Suci kot… I was so segan OK! Although out of thousands of people there, memang takde sorang pun kenal kami, but segan malu sungguh… haishhh.. hahaha!
From entrance to the reception we had to walk on the aisles of roulette and slots etc. Wah… I felt like I was on the set of Ocean 13 or any of those CSI Vegas show. It was actually very awesome. hehe
Part of the hotel lobby
Miki and Daddy
We saw this super huge screen with Manchester United playing at that time, and other games as well. I guessed it was for betting. How professional. hehe.. Miki lagi satu drama… Mak ko dah la rasa bersalah nak mati bawak anak masuk casino, sekali he went and played with one of the slots! OMGGGG… Azman sempat snap gambar… tapi lepas tu one of the staff tegur cakap this is not for kids.. Haishhhh *sorok muka kat ketiak* hahaha

After 5 minutes walk to the reception which seemed like 50 minutes when you felt awkward LOL, we checked in and got into our room. Thanks Daddy Azman, this room we stayed at was the best out of all the hotels we stayed in US. It was actually the POOL QUEEN SUITE, really really sweet…
The 476-square-foot Double Queen features a pool view, stylish luxury bedding, a fully stocked mini bar, two not one 40” Sony Bravia and a stylish bathroom with an extra large shower to help wash away those sins (of just walking in a casino haha). I really really enjoyed the bathroom. Plus I love the fact that the studio style suite has separate sitting and sleeping areas.. Check out these pics…
View from suite entrance… i suck at taking photos… really… This was the sitting area.
Above – The other side of the suite, where the beds were… two super fluffy queens that were really heavenly…
The bathroom was huge. If combined with the toilet and shower behind me in the above picture, that was almost the size of Miki’s room at home.
This is the oversized bathroom with cast iron “Tea for Two” tub. Suka tak hengat! Nak satu kat rumah pls! pls! pls! And then they had this Touch screen jukebox with iPod dock. Awesome….
The entire hotel was adorned with fantastic rock and roll memorabilia. Couldn’t resist taking pics with so many of them, but the were still great many others that we didn’t had time to check them out.
Below was my favorite – That was Micheal Jackson’s jacket! wow.. Tak dapat tangkap gambar dengan MJ, dapat gambar denga baju MJ pun jadilah LOL

Above – me with records and guitars of Sex Pistols and Ramones. Below – Miki and Rafa playing with the Ipad and behind them was a drum set belonged to Avenged Sevenfold.
Me with another MJ’s suit
That’s Madonna’s!
Steven Tyler’s
Azman nak satu gitar bawak balik… Def Leppard’s
Azman with Motley Crue’s bike
Miki with Slash’s outfit.
There were tonnes of other attractions at the hotel for those who party. Like the famous Rehab Pool Party, over ten different exquisite dining places, concerts and performances, spa, pool and shopping places. I spent quite a lot of money at the Hard Rock Store, mainly because they had so many great stuff and I didn’t know if I were to come here again hehe…
The next day, we spent some time at the pool but it was too cold (although very sunny) for us to swim. He took many great photos. I will upload in another entry..
Previous : USA Vacation Day 5 – Driving experienced from Los Angeles to Las Vegas then to Anaheim
Next : USA Vacation Day 5 – The Most Fragrance City is the Sin City Las Vegas
Ahahaha thanks! Zahra Zee
kota dosa
aku tak buat dosa pun…. kalau nak buat dosa, ko datang dengan Elina aja, jangan bawak anak hahahahah Ah Ken Ah
Parking anak kat playground
I wanted to go Britney Spears performance at Planet Hollywood, Vegas at that time she was there performing…. but who take care kids? 🙁 Ah Ken Ah
Babysitter service yg mahal gila
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cannot afford… Ah Ken Ah
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Azlina Abdullah liked this on Facebook.
Uhhh.. Dengkinya.. Hahaha.
Ada britney spears ke?? wow I minat tu….. kenapa takleh pergi tgk show? sebab i rasa macam takkan ada concert di malaysia… rugi tak pergi…
Eone Nie liked this on Facebook.
Hannah Hashim ada sangat banyak retis yang best2 buat performance si serata club kat Vegas masa tu… yg ingat ada Britney Spears, Boys II Men, Olivia Newton John etc… pastu ada Cirque De Soleil etc… best kalau dapat tgk Britney sbb kalau kat Msia kena tunggu dia dtg buat concert kan? tapi takde sapa jaga Miki Rafa…. mana boleh bawak masuk.. hehehe
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Ko bawak aku jd baby sitter pon xpa Diyana Yang..aku bukan minat tgk concert..jnji aku smpai oversea je..haha
Intan Jameel liked this on Facebook.