Hello everyone and Assalamualaikum! It is 6th Ramadhan today, lucky we are for being able to enjoy the blessed month once again. At home everything is going smoothly except on Tuesday, Miki tak puasa. It was not his fault at all. It was mine! I didn’t wake the family up for sahur. Boohoo! So Azman and I continue to fast of course but I told Miki not to for I afraid he will be too tired. Sayang betul.. but it is OK Miki can still fast penuh-penuh after this.
Today I want to continue the stories from our last vacation in in this blog, which is my online diary. I better do it fast because my amnesia kicks from all the screaming at MikiRafa (and Azman). hehe…
Anyway, last entry about our USA vacation was here -> DRIVING TO LAS VEGAS FROM LOS ANGELES AND ANAHEIM . After we went shipping at Prim, we headed straight to Las Vegas and checked in at the hotel. For your info, it was our first time at casino hotel and before this, we have only seen and played casino games online on Vietbet, so we had no clue if we were going to be any good at it playing it physically! It was so awkward in the beginning but I will write about that later.
After we settled in our room. We went out to get some dinner. Thanks to zabihah.com Azman found a fully halal restaurant nearby. It was called Kabob N More. I was excited! I wanted rice! nasik! nasik! I need nasik to live! I am seriously Melayu you knoww… Haha!
When we reached at the place. Suddenly I feel some kind of dejavu… It sorta reminded me of this restaurant in Berlin and those Arab restaurants in Cyberjaya! ahahah! We looked around and saw many Al-Quran verses on the walls. I was so at home, so happy I wanted to cry! Hehe! Azman asked the Manager were all the food halal or not and his answer was, “Alhamdulillah!”
You know what is the most amazing thing about this place? It has a prayer room! There, right there behind the red curtain. I couldn’t believe it haha! We were in Vegas, the Sin City and right here we found the most Islamic restaurant ever, since we stepped foot in the USA.
We ordered our food and maybe the owner was as happy as me to find his restaurant, he gave us a free slice of pizza. The menu is perfectly the same with regular arab restaurant but they also have fish and chips, burgers etc.
I had chicken kebab with rice and Azman had the lamb one. Ahhh rice, so satisfying. Although the one we had in Berlin was more delicious, but here in the middle of the desert, right smacked in the middle of the Sin City, these halal rice and meat never tasted so good! LOL

That’s me posing happily with my food. Miki was eating well throughout out our trip but Rafa was pretty picky. He can live on pure air. Just breath and harness the energy from the world. To terrorize the world. Or at least his parents. Sigh..
You see that Starbucks bottle there in front of Miki? Masa nak balik, dia tumpahkan. Haishh… Mengimbas memori sungguh!
Oh well, now I am craving for nasi arab for berbuka. Oh and in case anyone of you going to Las Vegas, here is the address of Kabob N More.
Kabob N More
3049 S Las Vegas Blvd,
Las Vegas,
NV 89109, United States
Selamat berbuka puasa!
Previous : USA Vacation Day 5 – Amazing Las Vegas The Strip
Next : USA Vacation Day 7 – Disneyland Park California at Anaheim
Wawan Azwani liked this on Facebook.
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Shahirah Rodzo’an liked this on Facebook.
Pizza dia sedap apa.
Khairuyusnizam Abdul Rahim liked this on Facebook.
Saya tak try pizza… I eat nasik all the time hehe Azman Aziz
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