If I pull down my lower eyelid with a finger you can see it is actually much redder than this.
It started early this week when I woke up finding my left eye already in the mood for Christmas and decorated itself with bright cranberry sauce. Azman called me Rudolf the Red-Eyed Reindeer. I called him stuffed Christmas oink oink.
The doctor gave me a day off but this thing didn’t hurt at all. It must have not be some infection. I think I used the same finger that rubbed Mopiko on Miki’s foot that night to rub my eye without realizing it. Damn!
On another note, today my friends Hafizah Allkham and Azam Anuar is getting hitched. I like it when my friends get married to each other. I don’t have to buy wedding presents so many times. Congratulations guys!
“I don’t have to buy wedding presents so many times”
Keji gila alasan…hahaha. Abang saya pulak tarikh kawin sama dgn birthday bini, lagi keji mau bagi satu hadiah ja on that date. 2 in 1 katanya!
Idea yang bagus untuk sesiapa yang suka amik MC …heheh…
pretty eyes 🙂
mak aihhhh the eye LOTR kah ini ? hehe 🙂
makanmalaya (aii.. makan malaya la pulokk!! hehehe ) itu mata UrukHai!